International Scholarships Award



GBP 3,000


All eligible students


30 October 2022


Fee waiver/discount




Not Specified


International students who hold an offer to study at the University of Greenwich could receive a tuition fee discount worth up to £3,000 in the first year. Main conditions

  • You must have been offered a place on a full-time undergraduate or taught postgraduate course for the first time.
  • You must be assessed as paying fees at the international rate.
  • Payment of this award is by way of a tuition fee reduction for the first year of study. Students must pay the full cost of tuition in subsequent academic years.
  • Applicants must not be in receipt of any other award such as a bursary or scholarship. For Greenwich alumni, we offer a separate alumni scholarship.
  • Recipients of the award will participate in university promotional activities, such as interviews and attending university events.
  • You can only apply for this scholarship once.
  • The decision of the panel is final.
  • Due to the high volume of applications, we receive, we are unable to provide detailed individual feedback.

To apply, you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • You have been offered a place to begin a course in We encourage you to apply as early as possible. Your application must be submitted so the panel's decision comes before your course start date.January 2023 or April 2023.
  • You will pay fees at the international rate.
  • You are not receiving any other scholarships from the University or another source.

EU nationals domiciled in the EU are not eligible for this award. University of Greenwich International College (UGIC) students who are progressing to the university component of their course will be considered.



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