Witherby Publishing Scholarship
GBP 3,000
Not Specified
Not Specified
Fee waiver/discount
The Witherby Publishing Scholarship is available to individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds to undertake a postgraduate degree. The funding is available due to the generous support of the Witherby Publishing Group.
The student will be offered a two-week work placement with the Witherby Publishing Group, to be taken at a mutually convenient time.
MSc Publishing
Publishing at Edinburgh Napier University is the only publishing course in the UK to have been awarded accreditation by the Publishing industry. We are the only Publishing course to have been doubly accredited, recognising our interconnection with the global Publishing industry. Celebrating over 50 Years of Excellence in Publishing Education, the programme has set world standards for the discipline, and its research and pioneering initiatives have helped to inform policy makers, other Publishing courses, and the industry at large. We have strong partnerships with industry and our programme of study is highly vocational, with a high employment rate and a global reputation for our research outputs, our industry-expert staff, our intensive, practical training, and our industry links. We teach Publishing in its most diverse sense, from academic publishing to zines, from magazines to manga, and everything in between. We welcome applicants from across the world and from all backgrounds, and we are proud to have established this Scholarship – the first of its kind. It is a demonstration of our ground-breaking, ceiling-smashing, innovative and inclusive approach to the vibrant industry that is Publishing.
Lawrence Ho Scholarship
Fee waiver/discount