

Drexel University


一流的德雷塞尔大学以学习与实习并重的合作教育(co-operative education)驰名全美。德雷塞尔大学开设的专业几乎涵盖了所有学术领域,其中艺术学院,工程学以及商科为最优,工程科系经国立科学基金会任命为国家模范学校。






Ramani Ayer| Former CEO of The Hartford Financial Services;
Albert Boscov|  CEO of Boscov's;
John C. Browne|BS Former Director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory;

Leonard Comma| Current CEO of Jack in the Box;

Kenneth C. Dahlberg| Former CEO of SAIC and previously Executive Vice President of General Dynamics;

Ranjan Dash| Founder and CEO of Y-Carbon;
Elaine Garzarelli| Financial analyst credited with predicting Black Monday;

Raj Gupta|Former President and CEO of Rohm and Haas;

Bennett S. LeBow|Former CEO and Chairman of the Board of Borders Group and Chairman of the Board of Vector Group;

Earl Lestz|Former President of Operations for Paramount Studios;

Jiang Mianheng|Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and co-founder of Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation;

Dorcas Bates Reilly |Invented the green bean casserole while working as a staff member in the home economics department of the Campbell Soup Company;

George M. Ross|Former Goldman Sachs manager, major Jewish philanthropist;