DMU International Scholarship



GBP 1,500




Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount




Not Specified


Eligibility criteria:

Hold an offer of admission from DMU for a full-time or part-time, UG and PGT course starting September 2022.
To be assessed as an international fee payer.
To have paid a tuition fee pre-payment of a minimum of 50%.

To be eligible, an applicant must (i) have received an offer to study on a full-time course or part-time course, starting in September 2022 or January 2023 and (ii) have accepted their offer, and (iii) have paid a £4,000 deposit to DMU by 31 August 2022 and confirm by email once the payment has been made. Awards will not be applied to courses with fees lower than the lowest standard international fee. International Year Zero, International First Year and Incorporated Master's applicants are not eligible for De Montfort University discounts or scholarships, but may be eligible to apply for DMU International College awards. Students that will be undertaking a pre-sessional english course prior to their main academic course are required to make payment: the full English Language course fee plus the £4,000 pre-payment. We will only consider the fees paid for the main academic course for the discounts available. The discounts do not apply to full payments of pre-sessional English programmes. Discounts are not available to students continuing and/or progressing from International Year Zero, International First Year and International Incorporated Master's courses including DMU International College, to De Montfort University courses. Decisions made by the DMU International Office regarding eligibility for all discounts and scholarships are final. Awards are made at the full and sole discretion of DMU. All awards of the International Scholarship are made on a first come, first served basis and will be limited in number due to funding. DMU will use its website to advertise the terms and conditions in relation to this award.



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