Postgraduate Taught (PGT) Academic Excellence Scholarship



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Fee waiver/discount




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This is a cash scholarship worth up to £2,000 and available to all students applying for a full-time or part-time postgraduate taught degree at Coventry University who achieved a British awarded 1st class undergraduate honours degree from a UK institution. This is a one off payment for the first year of study only. Please note that for part-time students, the scholarship will be paid on a pro rata basis. You must be a self-funded student e.g. not sponsored.

Please note that you must be transferring onto a postgraduate taught course charging postgraduate tuition fees in order to be eligible for the alumni discount and the Postgraduate Academic Excellence scholarship. Courses that are integrated Masters Courses that continue to charge undergraduate tuition fees and are eligible to receive undergraduate student finance will not qualify to receive the alumni discount or the Postgraduate Academic Excellence scholarship. Students enrolled on to a full-time or part-time postgraduate taught course at Coventry University, Coventry University London campus and Coventry University Online who have achieved a first class undergraduate degree will be considered for a scholarship. Please note that if you have already obtained a postgraduate taught qualification we cannot consider you for this scholarship as it is available to first time postgraduate students only. Scholarships are allocated on the basis of academic merit. First-Class Honours (70% and above): a first class degree, usually referred to as a ‘first' or 1st, is the highest honours degree conferred by UK universities.



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      考文垂大学是英国的一所公立学校,坐落于英国英格兰西米德兰兹郡考文垂,学校始建于1843年,有着一个多世纪的建校历史,有着十分卓越的教学水准与科研实力,考文垂大学建校百年来在众多学科领域内都有着杰出的成就,那么接下来小编就带着大家一起来了解下英国本科留学考文垂大学申请要求,热门专业值得推荐的相关介绍盘点。  英国本科留学考文垂大学申请要求  1.入读本科第一年课程:高中毕业生均分在80及以上,完成国内本科第一年或专业第一年课程学生均分70以上;A-LEVEL课程成绩在BBB或BBC左右;雅思总分6.0.各单项不低于5.5.
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