IMarEST Student Bursaries



Not Specified


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Fee waiver/discount




Not Specified


To apply an individual must be: A current IMarEST Student (SIMarEST) member Enrolled on a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate course, or undertaking a cadetship or apprenticeship at the time of application Studying topics or working (if an apprentice) in a field related to marine engineering, science or technology. Student membership is free to all undergraduate and postgraduate students, all cadets and apprentices for the duration of full-time studies/cadetship/apprenticeship, and can be applied for on the IMarEST website.

The funding can be used to support planned or existing projects, such as activities and events, promoting marine engineering, science and technology as a career, undertaking research in the country of residence or overseas, or undertaking other voluntary activities.

Applicable courses

Welding Engineering MSc

Offshore Engineering MSc

Once every quarter, a judging panel will convene to consider all applications that meet the criteria. The judging panel comprises at least three senior IMarEST representatives selected based on their experience in the subjects of the applications submitted for the award. One additional member of the IMarEST Executive will be an ex-officio member in order to support the award administration.

Groupings of countries
Group A

All countries not listed in Group B (see below).

Group B

Angola, Bangladesh, Brazil, Botswana, Cameroon, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Maldives, Mexico, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Romania, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Syria, Thailand, Turkey, Venezuela, Tanzania, Ukraine, Vanuatu, Zambia, Zimbabwe.



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