Diploma Pathway Scholarship
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All eligible students
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Fee waiver/discount
Diploma and Advanced Diploma
Not Specified
- This Scholarship is only for international, full fee-paying, non-sponsored students.
- This Scholarship is only for new commencing students at Curtin College.
- This Scholarship is available to students who are packaged with Curtin University and commences in the 2nd year of their Bachelor Degree no later than Semester 2, 2023.
- The Scholarship amount cannot be withdrawn by the student.
- This Scholarship covers a maximum of 12.5% of your Diploma tuition fees to a maximum of 200 credit points at Curtin College.
- If you achieve a course weight average of 65% in your Diploma course at the College, this Scholarship will be extended to cover a maximum of 12% of your first year tuition fee for your studies at Curtin University, up to a maximum of 200 credit points only.
- You are required to pay the full amount stated in your Letter of Offer, with the Scholarship amount to be offset in your account during your second study period at Curtin College.
- If you are eligible to continue with the Scholarship at Curtin University, you must pay the full tuition fees amount for your course and the Scholarship will be credited to your fee account by census date of your second semester of study at Curtin University.
- You will not be eligible for the Scholarship if you are in receipt of any other scholarship/bursary/ sponsorship from Curtin College, Curtin or any other third party. The scholarship can be revoked at the discretion of Curtin if you already have a scholarship or sponsorship.
- This Scholarship cannot be transferred to a Curtin campus or partner outside Western Australia, or to another university.
- This Scholarship can be revoked if you do not accept your Letter of Offer or enrol into your Curtin College and Curtin University course by the dates specified in your Letter of Offer.
- 科廷大学口碑怎么样?科廷大学学位工作好找吗?_IDP留学2024年即将到来,新一轮的留学申请正逐渐进入大家的视野。IDP留学收到了来自全球各地学子的咨询,特别是对于澳洲著名大学科廷大学商科的关注较多。今天,小编将带领大家来了解科廷大学口碑怎么样?科廷大学学位工作好找吗?如果你对科廷大学感兴趣,不妨跟着我一起来看看吧! 一、科廷大学口碑怎么样? 关于科廷大学口碑怎么样?整理了关于该学校的各项优势,看完大家就知道该学校口碑好不好了。 1、2023 ARWU 世界大学学术排名全球第 180 位,全澳第 9 位;US News&World Report 全球综合大学排名 160 名,2024 QS 全球综合排名 193 位,位于世界 1%;2023 QS 全球年轻大学排名全球第 17 位。澳洲直属分校,师资澳籍教师为主,同时有英美加籍教师授课,部分课程由 NUS,NTU老师授课。外教比例 100%。
- 科廷大学商学院专业设置是怎样的?科廷大学的热门专业有哪些?_IDP留学科廷大学创办于1900年,距今已有100多年的历史了,它是澳洲少有的百年学府,也是世界顶尖名校之一。今天,IDP留学想为大家介绍的是科廷大学商学院专业设置是怎样的?科廷大学的热门专业有哪些?如果你也想来这所大学深造的话,相信下面的内容你会喜欢。 一、科廷大学商学院专业设置是怎样的? 科廷大学商学院专业设置情况如下: 科廷大学商学院是西澳州规模最大、课程设置最全面的商学院,也是科廷大学最大的学院。学院下设20个单学位和33个双学位,拥有15,000名在校生。科廷大学的MBA课程被世界工商管理协会MBAs认证,全球排名前100位。