MBA Scholarship (Full-time & Part-time)



GBP 6,000




15 November 2022


Fee waiver/discount




Not Specified


The Full Time MBA Scholarship: is a £6,000 tuition fee waiver for one year only. The Full Time African Continent MBA Scholarship: is a £12,497.50 (50% tuition fee) tuition fee waiver for one year only. The Full Time Women in Leadership MBA Scholarship: is a £12,497.50 (50% tuition fee) tuition fee waiver for one year only. The Part Time MBA Scholarship (Corporate/Private sector) is a £7,000 tuition fee waiver for a maximum of two years only, split equally across both academic years, £3,500 per year. The Part Time MBA Scholarship (Public/Government) is a £7,000 tuition fee waiver for a maximum of two years only, split equally across both academic years, £3,500 per year. How many: We are offering 30 scholarships for the full-time MBA, 10 scholarships for the part time MBA programme, 5 scholarships for the African Continent MBA and 3 scholarships for the Women in Leadership MBA programme. To be eligible for a Brunel MBA Scholarship an applicant must: 2.1 Apply and fulfill the entry criteria for admission to the Brunel full-time or part-time MBA programme. Awards will be only made to the candidates holding an offer of a place on the MBA programme. 2.2 Be in receipt of an offer to study on a full-time or part-time MBA programme starting in September 2021 or January 2022. 2.3 Complete the Brunel MBA scholarship application form comprising of an essay of no more than 500 words and a supporting statement. 2.4 Recipients of the African Continent MBA Scholarship must: Be a National of a country on the African continent Should reside in a country on the African continent at the time of scholarship application. Part Time MBA only scholarship: 2.5 The part time MBA scheme is only open to Home fee paying applicants based on the UK government regulations.



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      布鲁内尔大学成立于1966年,这是英国一所享有国际声誉的高校,也是一所典型的公立大学,在伦敦所有的高校当中,布鲁内尔大学是唯一一所校园式的学校,这所学校历史可以追溯到18世纪末,而在1966年的时候才被正式称为布鲁内尔大学。在多年的QS或泰晤士高等教育世界大学排行榜当中,布鲁内尔大学常年位居Top500,吸引了很多优秀的中国学生,那么如何申请布鲁内尔大学?跟随小编一起来看一下。  如何申请布鲁内尔大学
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