University of Bradford Sanctuary Scholarship



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The University of Bradford provides these scholarships to enable new students seeking asylum, or those already granted refugee status who cannot access student finance, to participate in higher education.

You must be:

An asylum seeker or the partner/dependant of an asylum seeker OR
An asylum seeker/refugee/partner/dependant who has been granted Discretionary Leave to Remain (DLR) or some other form of temporary status OR
A refugee who is unable to access student finance due to previous study

Please ensure that: You have a conditional or unconditional offer from the University of Bradford for September 2022 start - for undergraduate study you need to apply for a Bradford course via UCAS. Postgraduate students will need to apply for a place on a course via the University of Bradford website. Please also ensure that: You can provide a supporting statement from a school, college, community or voluntary group You are unable to access mainstream funding, e.g. student finance You live within the Bradford Metropolitan District Council Area, or live within a commutable distance to the University and be able to cover your travel costs yourself, or be able to relocate to Bradford without requiring extra financial support. You do not require support for living expenses or accommodation.

Eligible applicants are also able to get a scholarship/scholarship funding to attend a Pre-sessional English preparation course if their English language level is not high enough to meet the entry requirements of the University/your course. All students will be assessed on an individual basis. Applicants must meet these strict eligibility criteria and be in a position to verify their circumstances in order to apply. Applicants who do not meet the criteria will not be considered for the scholarship.



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