Sport Scholarship



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All eligible students


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Fee waiver/discount | Cash




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Scholarships are available to students competing in our performance sports of basketball and volleyball – in exceptional circumstances, we will also consider applications from those participating in individual sports and competing at the highest levels. All sport scholars enjoy free access to our campus fitness centres in Cambridge and Chelmsford.

There are two levels of scholarship, ranging from £1,400 up to £12,500 per year.

Podium level

Offered to students who are of an international standard and can successfully compete at the highest level of university sport and above, this scholarship is worth up to £12,500 per year. It is given as a full or partial fee waiver.

You'll also benefit from individualised strength and conditioning sessions, sport therapy, sports performance workshops, and fees, travel and accommodation for agreed competitions.

Elite level

We offer scholarships of £1,400 per year to cover performance-related costs for students who compete at regional or national level. It is given as a cash bursary.

You'll also benefit from strength and conditioning sessions, sports performance workshops, and travel and accommodation for agreed competitions.

Duration : Our Sport Scholarship covers the normal, full-time duration of your degree course. Eligibility is conditional on continuing satisfactory academic progress.

To be eligible for our Sport Scholarship you should: meet the entry requirements for your chosen course be a UK, EU or international student be studying an undergraduate or postgraduate taught course at our Cambridge, Chelmsford or ARU Peterborough campuses be competing at regional or national level to qualify for our Elite Level scholarship be competing at national or international level to qualify for our Podium Level scholarship be able to demonstrate that you'll have a significant impact on the performance of the sports team



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