2023泰晤士高等教育全球最国际化大学排名 第一名你绝对想不到
国际化一直是全球各地大学共同的追求,国际化的校园也就意味着文化的融合、生源的多渠道以及教育的多样。国际化的大学一方面要吸引来自全球各地的学生和学者,又要与世界各地的高校及学术组织交流合作。究竟怎样的大学才能称之为国际化呢?我们对于国际化有没有一个清晰的定义?曾担任世界大学联盟世界大学联盟(Worldwide Universities Network,简称WUN)主席的艾瑞克•托马斯就曾对国际化大学的特征进行了更加清晰的提炼。
英国当地时间3月14日,泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education 简称THE)发布了2023年全球最国际化大学排名(The World’s Most International Universities 2023)此项排名是泰晤士高等教育于2014年首创。排名的方法是将总排名中的四大排名标准之国际视野(International outlook)单独拿出来进行排名,结果即是最国际化大学的排名。具体来说,“国际视野”这一标准包含三个方面的内容:一是留学生比例,二是国际员工比例,三是论著国际合著比例。去年(2023年)的排名在这一基础之上,,还加入了一个新的考量指标——国际学术声誉排名,从而减轻了单纯地理因素与外籍员工因素的影响,使得排名更加科学严谨。因为参考因素权重不同,因此在2023THE世界大学排名中拔得头筹的院校,国际化程度未必与之成正比。
Most international universities in the world 2023: Top 10 | |||
Most international rank 2023 | World University rank 2023 | University | Country/region |
1 | 38 | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | Switzerland |
2 | 10 | ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich | Switzerland |
3 | 40 | University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong |
4 | 22 | National University of Singapore | Singapore |
5 | 8 | Imperial College London | United Kingdom |
6 | 52 | Nanyang Technological University | Singapore |
6 | 130 | University of Geneva | Switzerland |
8 | 1 | University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
9 | 2 | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |
10 | 48 | Australian National University | Australia |
TOP10 排名总结:IDP君发现一个很有趣的现象,在泰晤士高等教育发布的其他排名中,占据半壁江山的美国一众大学无缘前十,IDP君猜想是不是与新总统唐纳德特朗普上任后实施的一系列移民缩紧政策有关。同样深受脱欧影响下的英国,去年排名第10的伦敦政治经济学院今年跌出前十,牛剑霸主地位亦不复存在。在前十排名中,瑞士的院校表现仍旧最为抢眼,上榜三所更是包揽状元和榜眼位置;亚洲地区香港大学取得最好名次,摘得榜眼。新加坡实力超群,2所院校跻身前十。
Most international universities in the world 2023:Top11-30 | |||
11 | 25 | London School of Economics and Political Science | United Kingdom |
12 | 16 | UCL | United Kingdom |
13 | 153 | Technical University of Denmark | Denmark |
14 | 36 | King’s College London | United Kingdom |
15 | 165 | University of Vienna | Austria |
16 | 32 | University of Melbourne | Australia |
17 | 201–250 | Copenhagen Business School | Denmark |
18 | 63 | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands |
19 | 91 | University of Warwick | United Kingdom |
20 | 27 | University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom |
21 | 143 | University of St Andrews | United Kingdom |
22 | 136 | University of Zurich | Switzerland |
23 | 85 | University of New South Wales | Australia |
24 | 34 | University of British Columbia | Canada |
25 | 65 | University of Queensland | Australia |
26 | 54 | University of Manchester | United Kingdom |
27 | 117 | Trinity College Dublin | Republic of Ireland |
28 | 115 | École Polytechnique | France |
29 | 58 | Chinese University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong |
30 | 5 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | United States |
Most international universities in the world 2023:Top31-100 | |||
31 | 97 | Durham University | United Kingdom |
32 | 80 | University of Glasgow | United Kingdom |
33 | 44 | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | Hong Kong |
34 | 173 | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Sweden |
34 | 42 | McGill University | Canada |
36 | 192 | University of Auckland | New Zealand |
36 | 61 | University of Sydney | Australia |
38 | 119 | City University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong |
38 | 80 | Monash University | Australia |
40 | 119 | University of Alberta | Canada |
41 | 147 | University of Nottingham | United Kingdom |
42 | 72 | Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands |
42 | 104 | University of Sheffield | United Kingdom |
44 | 108 | University of Montreal | Canada |
45 | 109 | University of Copenhagen | Denmark |
46 | 76 | University of Bristol | United Kingdom |
47 | 139 | University of Leeds | United Kingdom |
48 | 130 | University of Exeter | United Kingdom |
49 | 182 | Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Hong Kong |
50 | 22 | University of Toronto | Canada |
51 | 6 | Harvard University | United States |
51 | 129 | Université Catholique de Louvain | Belgium |
53 | 93 | Lund University | Sweden |
54 | 78 | McMaster University | Canada |
55 | 190 | Aalto University | Finland |
55 | 109 | Aarhus University | Denmark |
57 | 24 | Carnegie Mellon University | United States |
57 | 7 | Princeton University | United States |
59 | 3 | Stanford University | United States |
60 | 171 | University of Cape Town | South Africa |
60 | 201–250 | University of Waterloo | Canada |
62 | 59 | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
63 | 38 | Karolinska Institute | Sweden |
63 | 146 | University of Oslo | Norway |
65 | 134 | Stockholm University | Sweden |
65 | 83 | University of Groningen | Netherlands |
67 | 14 | Columbia University | United States |
68 | 67 | Leiden University | Netherlands |
68 | 86 | Uppsala University | Sweden |
70 | 72 | Paris Sciences et Lettres – PSL Research University Paris | France |
71 | 33 | Georgia Institute of Technology | United States |
72 | 88 | Free University of Berlin | Germany |
73 | 47 | KU Leuven | Belgium |
74 | 60 | Purdue University | United States |
75 | 13 | Johns Hopkins University | United States |
76 | 19 | Cornell University | United States |
77 | 45 | Heidelberg University | Germany |
78 | 9 | University of Chicago | United States |
79 | 62 | Humboldt University of Berlin | Germany |
80 | 86 | Rice University | United States |
81 | 18 | University of California, Berkeley | United States |
82 | 54 | University of California, Davis | United States |
83 | 41 | Technical University of Munich | Germany |
84 | 53 | University of California, Santa Barbara | United States |
85 | 68 | Utrecht University | Netherlands |
85 | 12 | Yale University | United States |
87 | 34 | LMU Munich | Germany |
88 | 99 | University of California, Irvine | United States |
89 | 107 | Ghent University | Belgium |
90 | 133 | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany |
91 | 140 | Pompeu Fabra University | Spain |
92 | 147 | Autonomous University of Barcelona | Spain |
92 | 3 | California Institute of Technology | United States |
92 | 196 | Paris-Sorbonne University – Paris 4 | France |
95 | 70 | Boston University | United States |
96 | 201–250 | Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Israel |
96 | 123 | Pierre and Marie Curie University | France |
98 | 94 | University of Tübingen | Germany |
99 | 66 | University of Southern California | United States |
100 | 83 | Michigan State University | United States |
100 | 15 | University of California, Los Angeles | United States |
在前100的排名中,美国上榜院校22所,但整体排名排名并不理想,全部30名开外。究竟为什么美国一众院校表现如此“跌破眼镜”呢?IDP君特邀IDP北京海淀办公室美国经理赵莉 (Joy Zhao)老师为大家剖析其中的原因>>> 快来听听赵莉老师怎么说的吧!
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