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佐治亚南方大学专业沟通与领导力硕士专业 领导力+沟通力为你铺平高管之路!


  Professional Communication and Leadership MA



  Armstrong Campus (Savannah)


  COMS 7200 – Organizational Communication in Diverse Contexts

  LEAD 7100 – Practical Research in Leadership Settings (COMM 7100 on Statesboro campus)

  LEAD 7150 – Leadership in the Public Arena (COMM 7150 on Statesboro campus)

  LEAD 7700 – PCL Internship OR LEAD 7900 – Comprehensive Project

  WRIT 7250 – Plain Language in Workplace Writing

  WRIT 7100 – Professional Communication Strategies


  COMM 5030G – Selected Topics in Communication

  COMM 5335G – Public Relation Campaigns in Health and Science

  COMM 7300 – Applied Crisis Communication Theory

  COMM 7400 – Health Communication

  COMM 7500 – Selected Topics in Communication

  COMS 5330G – Communication Theory

  COMS 5331G – Communication and Conflict

  COMS 5332G – Nonverbal Communication

  COMS 5333G – Communication & Gender

  COMS 5334G – Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace

  COMS 5335G – Family Communication

  COMS 5530G – Rhetoric or WRIT 5530G – Rhetoric

  COMS 7300 – Professional Communication Presentation Skills (Offered fall semester)

  COMS 7400 – Communication Training and Development

  GEPH 7134 – Social Marketing for Health Communication

  LEAD 7300 – Selected Topics in Leadership Studies

  LEAD 7400 – Contemporary Issues in Leadership

  LEAD 7800 – Independent Study in Professional Communication & Leadership

  LING 5130G – Modern English Grammar

  PSYC 6150 – Conflict Resolution

  PSYC 6300 – Leadership and Group Dynamics

  WRIT 5510G – Writing for Nonprofits

  WRIT 5550G – Publication Design

  WRIT 5590 – Cultural Rhetorics

  WRIT 6030 – Selected Topics in Writing and Linguistics

  WRIT 6110 – Managing Digital Documents

  WRIT 6133 – Usability and User Experience

  WRIT 7110 – Applied Ethics in Professional and Technical Communication

  WRIT 7120 – Rhetorics of Health and Medicine

  WRIT 8500 – Theory and Practice of Teaching Composition

  Statesboro Campus


  COMS 7200 – Organizational Communication in Diverse Contexts

  COMM 7100 PCL Research (LEAD 7100 on the Armstrong campus)

  COMM 7150 – Communication and Leadership (LEAD 7150 on the Armstrong campus)

  LEAD 7700 – PCL Internship OR LEAD 7900 – Comprehensive Project

  WRIT 7250– Plain Language in Workplace Writing

  WRIT 7100 – Professional Communication Strategies


  COMM 5030G – Selected Topics in Communication

  COMM 5335G – Public Relation Campaigns in Health and Science

  COMM 7300 – Applied Crisis Communication Theory

  COMM 7400 – Health Communication

  COMM 7500 – Selected Topics in Communication

  COMS 5330G – Communication Theory

  COMS 5331G – Communication and Conflict

  COMS 5332G – Nonverbal Communication

  COMS 5333G – Communication & Gender

  COMS 5334G – Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace

  COMS 5335G – Family Communication

  COMS 5530G – Rhetoric or WRIT 5530G – Rhetoric

  COMS 7300 – Professional Communication Presentation Skills (Offered fall semester)

  COMS 7400 – Communication Training and Development

  GEPH 7134 – Social Marketing for Health Communication

  LEAD 7300 – Selected Topics in Leadership Studies

  LEAD 7400 – Contemporary Issues in Leadership

  LEAD 7800 – Independent Study in Professional Communication & Leadership

  LING 5130G – Modern English Grammar

  PSYC 6150 – Conflict Resolution

  PSYC 6300 – Leadership and Group Dynamics

  WRIT 5510G – Writing for Nonprofits

  WRIT 5550G – Publication Design

  WRIT 5590 – Cultural Rhetorics

  WRIT 6030 – Selected Topics in Writing and Linguistics

  WRIT 6110 – Managing Digital Documents

  WRIT 6133 – Usability and User Experience

  WRIT 7110 – Applied Ethics in Professional and Technical Communication

  WRIT 7120 – Rhetorics of Health and Medicine

  WRIT 8500 – Theory and Practice of Teaching Composition








佐治亚南方大学专业沟通与领导力硕士专业 佐治亚南方大学 美国留学热门专业