• 免费咨询留学:400-697-9728
  • 服务监督热线:400-821-8688
  • 选择学位阶段
  • 高中
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  • 职业教育
  • 研究生
  • 大学本科
  • 博士

明尼苏达大学双城分校安全技术硕士专业 让你成为网络安全的守护神!


  Master of Science in Security Technologies



  Term 1 (Fall)

  ST 8109 Cybersecurity Foundations: Technology, Risk & Communication

  ST 8110 Security Science & Technology Foundations

  ST 8330 Critical Infrastructure Protection

  Term 2 (Spring)

  ST 8111 Methods, Theory, and Applications

  ST 8113 Information and Cyber Security

  ST 8221 Communication of Risk and Security

  ST 8331 Dynamic Systems Modeling and Simulation Tools


  ST 8513 Cyber Threat Intelligence

  ST 8661 Securing Cyberspace- Fundamentals

  Term 3 (Summer)

  ST 8220 Vulnerability, Risk, and Threat Assessment and Management

  ST 8510 Psychology/Behavior Intelligence for Homeland Security

  ST 8511 Public Policy

  ST 8620A MSST Capstone Project - prep


  ST 8441 Security Technologies Internship

  ST 8662 Securing Cyberspace - Advanced

  Term 4 (Fall)

  ST 8440 Security Practicum

  ST 8512 Security/Privacy Law, Social Responsibility, and Ethics

  ST 8620B MSST Capstone


  Computer Science (CSCI)

  CSCI 5221 Foundations of Advanced Networking

  CSCI 5271 Introduction to Computer Security

  CSCI 5471 Modern Cryptography

  CSCI 5980 Computation Geo-Informatics*

  CSCI 8715 Spatial Database

  Curriculum and Instruction (CI)

  CI 5301 Foundations of Computer Applications for Business and Education

  Environmental Sciences, Policy, and Management (ESPM)

  ESPM 5604 Environmental Management Systems and Strategy

  Forest Resources (FR)

  FR 5131 Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for Natural Resources

  Geographic Information Science (GIS)

  GIS 5574 GIS and the Internet

  GIS 5577 Spatial Database Design and Administration

  Geography (GEOG)

  GEOG 5561 Principles of GIS

  GEOG 5563 Advanced Geographic Information Science

  GEOG 5564 Urban GIS and Analysis (credits)

  History (HIST)

  HIST 5900 European Nationalism and National Identity*

  Information and Decision Sciences (IDSC)

  IDSC 6040 Information Technology Management

  IDSC 6050 Information Technologies and Solutions

  IDSC 6423 Enterprise Systems Technology

  IDSC 6444 Business Intelligence

  IDSC 6481 Managerial Decision Making

  IDSC 6490 Information-Based Goods in the Network Economy *

  IDSC 8003 Accounting and Information Systems

  Law School (LAW)

  LAW 6022 Seminar: National Security Law

  LAW 6103 Privacy (2–3 credits)

  LAW 6241 First Amendment Law

  LAW 6606 Administrative Law

  LAW 6705 Seminar: Information Governance

  LAW 6806 Seminar: International Humanitarian Law

  LAW 6832 Seminar: Cyberspace and the Law

  Management (MGMT)

  MGMT 6004 Negotiation Strategies

  MGMT 6034 Strategic Leadership

  MGMT 6084 Management of Groups

  MGMT 6402 Integrative Leadership: From Theory to Practice

  Mathematics (MATH)

  MATH 5248 Cryptology and Number Theory

  MATH 5251 Error-Correcting Codes, Finite Fields, Algebraic Curves

  Supply Chain Operations (SCO)

  SCO 6059 Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma

  SCO 8892 Readings in Operations and Management Science

  Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development (OLPD)

  OLPD 5310 Data Driven Decision Making

  OLPD 5611 Facilitation and Meeting Skills

  OLPD 5619 Planning and Decision-Making Skills

  OLPD 6402 Integrative Leadership Seminar

  Political Science (POL)

  POL 5885 International Conflict and Security

  POL 8402 International Security

  Public Affairs (PA)

  PA 5011 Public Management and Leadership

  PA 5105 Integrative Leadership Seminar

  PA 5190 Managing Conflict: Negotiation

  PA 5405 Public Policy Implementation

  PA 5701 Science and State

  PA 5711 Science and Technology Policy

  PA 5741 Risk Analysis for Science and Technology Policy

  PA 5822 International Security

  PA 5890 International Crisis Simulation

  PA 5920 Action-Oriented Strategy Mapping

  PA 5920 Assessing Leadership Capability

  PA 5920 Stakeholder/SWOT Analysis and Casual Mapping

  PA 8001 Transforming Public Policy

  PA 8201 Environment and Infrastructure Policy

  PA 8790 Risk Analysis for Science and Technology Policy*

  PA 8821 National Security Policy

  Public Health (PUBH)

  PUBH 5231 Emergency Preparedness: A Public Health Perspective

  PUBH 6103 Exposure to Environmental Hazards

  PUBH 6112 Risk Analysis: Application to Risk-Based Decision-Making

  PUBH 6123 Violence Prevention and Control: Theory, Research, and Application

  PUBH 6182 Emerging Infectious Disease: Current Issues, Policies, and Controversies

  PUBH 6571 Principles of Management in Health Services Organizations

  PUBH 6702 Integrative Leadership Seminar

  PUBH 7200 Best Practices in Emergency Response

  PUBH 7200 Data Driven Decision-Making

  PUBH 7200 Design for Disaster

  PUBH 7200 Disaster 101

  PUBH 7200 Epidemiology of Foodborne Pathogens

  PUBH 7200 Farm to Table Study Program

  PUBH 7200 Food Defense: Vulnerabilities in Food System and How to Close Them

  PUBH 7200 Food Facility Bio-Security: Cleaning and Sanitation for Food Facilities

  PUBH 7200 Food Systems Biosecurity Action Planning

  PUBH 7200 Using Risk Analysis Tools: Estimating Food Safety Risks on the Farm to Table Continuum

  PUBH 7214 Principles of Risk Communication

  PUBH 7221 Planning/Urgent Threats

  PUBH 7223 Concepts of Disaster Behavioral Health

  PUBH 7225 Communication and Information Technology Tools for Public Health Emergency Response (1 credit)

  PUBH 7227 Incident Management Systems: The Public Health Role

  PUBH 7230 Topics in Infectious Disease

  PUBH 7233 Food System Defense

  PUBH 7242 War and Public Health

  Sociology (SOC)

  SOC 8412 Social Network Analysis: Theory and Methods

  Veterinary Medicine, Graduate (VMED)

  VMED 5920 Food Defense: Prepare, Respond, Recover

  Writing Studies (WRIT)

  WRIT 5001 Introduction to Graduate Studies in Scientific and Technical Communication

  WRIT 5112 Information Design: Theory and Practice

  WRIT 5561 Editing and Style for Technical Communications





  本科累计GPA 3.0或以上


  TOEFL (total): 90 or above

  IELTS (total): 7.0 or above


明尼苏达大学双城分校安全技术硕士专业 明尼苏达大学双城分校 美国留学热门专业