• 免费咨询留学:400-697-9728
  • 服务监督热线:400-821-8688
  • 选择学位阶段
  • 高中
  • 预科
  • 语言课程
  • 职业教育
  • 研究生
  • 大学本科
  • 博士




  康涅狄格大学受新英格兰院校协会承认,也是美国东部竞技联盟(BEC)和协会的成员之一。校友分布在商界、政界、新闻界、学术界、体育界等多个领域,其中包括诺贝尔物理学奖得主 David Lee、普利策奖得主 、沃尔玛主席 日本任天堂副主席 George Harrison、美国人民联合银行董事长 John Klein、土耳其国家总理Tansu Çiller、美国康涅狄格州州长Thomas Meskill、康涅狄格州首府哈特福德市市长 Pedro Segarra、美国杜兰大学校长 Scott S. Cowen、美国宇航员 Franklin Diaz、NBA球星雷·阿伦、鲁迪·盖伊等以及多名美国国会议员。


  STAT 5005 Introduction to Applied Statistics

  STAT 5015 Distribution Theory for Statistics

  STAT 5099 Investigation of Special Topics

  STAT 5105 Quantitative Methods in the Behavioral Sciences

  STAT 5192 Supervised Research in Statistics

  STAT 5315 Analysis of Experiments

  STAT 5361 Statistical Computing

  STAT 5415 Advanced Statistical Methods

  STAT 5505 Applied Statistics I

  STAT 5515 Design of Experiments

  STAT 5525 Sampling Theory

  STAT 5535 Introduction to Operations Research

  STAT 5585 Mathematical Statistics I

  STAT 5605 Applied Statistics II

  STAT 5625 Introduction to Biostatistics

  STAT 5635 Clinical Trials

  STAT 5645 Concepts and Analysis of Survival Data

  STAT 5665 Applied Multivariate Analysis

  STAT 5685 Mathematical Statistics II

  STAT 5725 Linear Statistical Models

  STAT 5825 Applied Time Series

  STAT 6315 Statistical Inference I

  STAT 6325 Advanced Probability

  STAT 6425 Seminar in Applied Probability

  STAT 6494 Seminar in Applied Statistics

  STAT 6515 Statistical Inference II

  STAT 6594 Seminar in Nonparametric Statistics

  STAT 6625 Seminar in Biostatistics

  STAT 6694 Seminar in Multivariate Statistics

  STAT 6794 Seminar in the Theory of Statistical Inference

  STAT 6894 Seminar in the Theory of Probability and Stochastic Processes


康涅狄格大学统计专业 康涅狄格大学 美国留学