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优秀文书赏析 一篇斩获了哈佛/耶鲁8所常青藤Offer的最牛文书

  最近一名年仅17岁,叫做Martin Altenburg的男生成为世界的焦点。而之所以Martin同学能够一跃成名,是因为他成了常青藤收割机,在2023申请季中囊括了哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学和耶鲁大学在内的所有8所院校的Offer。你以为这样就结束了?他收割名校Offer的脚步并没有停止,同样的斯坦福大学、麻省理工大学、加州理工大学以及芝加哥大学等等TOP20名校都向Martin同学抛出了橄榄枝。

  Martin Altenburg就读于北达科他州的一所高中。Martin之所以能够成为常青藤收割机和他全能学霸的身份密不可分。Martin在被誉为美国高考的大学入学考试ACT中取得了35分的高分(总分36),同样的他还参加了新SAT考试,获得了1510(总分1600)。但是Martin并没有使用SAT作为申请成绩。同时他还在科学领域有着极大的兴趣,在高二暑假他还参加了又MIT组办的一个选拔项目。



  IDP君上文中介绍了Martin同学不仅是一个对于学科有深度兴趣的学霸,同时也是运动狂人。而他在Common Application中的主文书就和自己的运动息息相关。Martin不仅擅长长跑、田径和游泳。并完成了一项横穿美国的“铁人三项”。在这一场“阿甘式”长跑中,Martin在想什么?同样地带着这样的疑问,Martin将自己在长跑中闪现过自己脑中的想法描述在自己的申请文书中。申请文书怎么写?>>> 免费咨询

  Martin Altenburg文书赏析 

My favorite time to run is at night.

This particular run in early August brought a break to the humid, muggy weather I left on the East Coast. I used my body as a human psychrometer, knowing that the cold feeling of evaporating sweat signaled much needed dry air.

I cross over the bridge into Minnesota. Out of my three sports, cross country is definitely my worst — but I continue to be hooked on it. Unlike swimming and track, my motivation to run is heavily intrinsic. I live for the long runs I take on by myself. While they rarely happen during our season, we were assigned a long run to complete over our first weekend of cross country. In reality, I was supposed to go six miles, but felt eight gave me more time to explore the home I had just returned to. My mind begins to wander as I once again find my rhythm.

My train of thought while running is similar to the way one thinks in the minutes before sleep — except one has more control over how these thoughts progress and what tangents they move off of. While special relativity would be the "proper" thing to think about, especially at MITES, I revive the violin repertoire I had turned away from for so long and begin playing it in my head. I'm now at the edge of town in between the cornfields. The streaming floodlights on the open road give me a sense of lonely curiosity, reminiscent of the opening lines of Wieniawski's first violin concerto. I come up with adaptations of the melody in my head, experimenting with an atonality similar to Stravinsky's.

I turn south onto a highway heading towards downtown. The dark night sky is broken by the oncoming light pollution. While I've longed for a road trip across the country, the neon lights from Sunset Lanes will have to do for Las Vegas. Turning west, I see a man and perk up as I try to look more menacing than I really am. But I relinquish. I realize that I did such an act simply because of the color of his skin. I kick myself for reverting to passive racism — something I spent much of the summer trying to overcome.

The bridge over Main Avenue leads me back into North Dakota and downtown Fargo. My city is on the eve of its annual pride week — the largest in North Dakota. Beyond the rainbow flags lining downtown, I see the Catholic cathedral I attend every Sunday outside of the summer. The juxtaposition brings back memories of trying to come to terms with my own beliefs. The conservatism on my mom's side of the family often clashes with the more liberal views of my dad's family. Fargo is known for its "nice" attitude, but the discussion of controversial issues is often set aside in favor of maintaining peace. On the surface this can be good, but it makes change a long and cumbersome process, and has caused me to become very independent in finding my own belief system — something especially difficult when these beliefs may have to do with your future identity.

The remaining part of my run is short and uneventful. The fact that the traffic lights have switched to blinking yellow and red means that I have been out later than usual. When I get home, I find that my run took somewhere around an hour — I honestly don't care about time during my distance runs. Longs runs are often seen as a runner battling the distance rather than time. But for me, long runs are a journey — both physically and mentally. Each time I run a route, I understand my surroundings and city more and more, and couldn't be more excited and sad to know that I'm leaving this place in a year's time.


2023美本申请CommonApp文书题目再升级 IDP权威解读


IDP 5步教会你写出一流文书 妈妈再也不用担心我的申请文书了

SAT和ACT两手抓 对科学钟情的他斩获7所一流美本Offer

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申请文书 常青藤院校 哈佛大学 优质文书