美国纽约州立大学水牛城分校LLM专业语言成绩要求一览 看看你满足申请要求了吗?
Applicants whose first language is not English must demonstrate English proficiency by taking the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). TOEFL scores must be dated within two years of prospective enrollment at the School of Law.
The Graduate Admissions Committee uses the personal statement to learn about each applicant. We are particularly interested in knowing what motivates you to pursue an advanced law degree. We are also interested in learning about you life experiences, family background, academic experiences and academic accomplishments that make you uniquely qualified to pursue an advanced degree at the School of Law. The personal statement should also be an excellent example of writing skills. It is recommended that you have it proofread at least once prior to submission. Ideally, your personal statement should be tailored to the School of Law. It should be at most 2 1/2 typewritten pages.
The application fee of $75 must be submitted or waived to complete your application.
Letters of recommendation help to complete the academic profile of each applicant. We highly encourage applicants to ask faculty members to write these letters. The recommendation should stress your ability to think and write critically
analyze large volumes of text, and your level of responsibility in the classroom. The Graduate Admissions Committee highly values letters from faculty members who know you well.
If you are returning to the academic environment after some time away, letters of recommendation from employers are acceptable. Encourage them to stress your academic ability as much as possible.
NEED TO KNOW: Two letters are required. Again, your application will not be reviewed unless two letters have been received.
The Admissions Committee takes a broad view of law school performance. We evaluate your transcript based on courses taken, increasing level of difficulty and academic rigor of the course of study. The academic reputation of the instit
weighed as heavily as the student’s academic performance. The Admissions Committee will also accept addenda to your application that explain any anomalies in your academic performance. If you experienced an unexpected event that
an inconsistent academic performance, provide a one-page explanation to the Admissions Committee.
NEED TO KNOW: Applicants with non-U.S. academic documents must have them evaluated and if necessary translated. Upon acceptance and enrollment, students must provide official copies of all academic documentation, including t and proof of degree.
国外律所:外所做到 Associate 是有一定难度的,不过咨询还是比较有优势一些。从地理位置上看,美国有三个传统的法律市场地区:除了芝加哥,就是纽约州和加州。
凭借华尔街的金融优势,纽约稳坐法律市场的老大地位;受硅谷创新经济推动,加州在科技和知识产权法律方面的发展非常迅猛。每年有一万多考生参加 NY Bar 和 Ca Bar,加州的整体平均通过率约为 47%,国际学生通过率约为 12%;纽约州的整体通过率大约为 62%,国际学生通过率约为 34%。