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  • 博士




  1.Columbia University(哥伦比亚大学)

  Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

  Master of Science in Real Estate Development



  daIntensive Summer Semester+Expansive Fall Semester+Integrated Spring Semester

  Intensive Summer Semester: Real estate finance, construction technology, market analytics, and other foundational subjects, etc.

  Expansive Fall Semester: Particularly in finance, history of development, and real estate law + significant elective opportunities.

  Integrated Spring Semester: A cross-disciplinary portfolio of independent and supervised research and coursework: capstone projects, complex financial and economic modeling, and public policy, etc.


  M.S. RED applicants may hold undergraduate and graduate degrees in a wide range of fields. While graduate and professional academic preparation in development-related disciplines, such as architecture, finance, law, urban design, historic preservation, civil engineering, or urban planning is highly desirable, it is not essential for admission to the program.




  GMAT or GRE均可。



  点评:哥大有着NYC得天独厚的地理优势,实习资源以及与行业专家交流的机会都很多,非常适合networking。和industry circle的联系十分紧密,面对的都是最好的公司,最好的专家。

  2. MIT(麻省理工学院)

  Center for Real Estate

  Master of Science in Real Estate Development

  项目创办于1983年,是美国第一个one-year的房地产硕士项目,是一年制RE硕士的代表。MSRED是一个严谨、集中、多学科、面向直接应用的项目。MIT建立Center for Real Estate和MSRED项目的宗旨与建立世界著名的工程学院相同——以有效、创造性的方式将学术发现应用于实际问题。与MIT的多学科方法相呼应,MSRED项目调查了影响房地产行业的每一个领域——从设计和开发到建筑、管理、金融和法律。凭借只有一流技术机构才能提供的专业知识,该项目整合了包括School of Architecture and Urban Planning, the School of Engineering, the Department of Economics, and the Sloan School of Business Management在内的资源。

  项目会有一个summer term供学生选择实习或者其他实践机会,因此一般在11-16个月内完成。


  7 core courses+ one to two electives per term+ a thesis

  core courses:

  Real Estate Development Studio (18 units)

  Real Estate Products Development (12 units)

  Real Estate Finance and Investment (12 units)

  Real Estate Capital Markets (6 units)

  Real Estate Economics (12 units)

  Real Estate Building Systems (3 units)

  Thesis Prep (3 units)


  建议与房地产相关,for example, engineering, law, architecture, finance, planning, economics, or business.

  先修课:Knowledge of microeconomics and basic accounting principles at the college level is required.


  严格要求3-5年工作经验。The average age of class members is around 30 years.

  GT要求:The average score for tests are: GMAT 700; GRE 160 per section; TOEFL 100+; IELTS 7.5+

  点评:MIT和Harvard有合作,Many students have taken classes at the Kennedy School, the Graduate School of Design, or the Business School. 项目的毕业生主要从事项目管理、收购、财务、资产管理、开发、施工现场管理、投资管理等工作。

  如果工作经验只有0-3年,可以申请2023年创办的The Young Leaders MSRED Program targeting extremely talented students with shorter industry experience.

  3. Cornell University(康奈尔大学)

  Baker Program in Real Estate

  Master of Professional Studies in Real Estate

  如果说MIT的MSRED是一年制的代表,这个M.P.S./R.E就是两年制的代表。MPS = Master of Professional Studies,都是职业性的硕士学位,后面用“/”加上具体专业以示区分;MPS是可以和MBA相比较的,是比MBA更加focus在房地产方向上,而不是MBA in Real Estate。这个跨学科项目结合了康奈尔几乎所有学院的课程,专为处于职业生涯早期的有抱负的房地产专业人士设计。



  38.5 credit hours of core course requirements

  4.5 credit hours of leadership and management distribution

  12 credit hours (minimum of 4 courses) in an approved concentration

  7 credit hours of free electives (subject to approval by student’s advisor)

  Complete a summer professional internship

  Participate in two real estate case study trips, one domestic and one international

  第一学期结束时,学生需要和advisor沟通选择自己的concentration. Five main concentrations: International Real Estate, Real Estate Consulting and Market Analysis, Property, Asset, and Portfolio Management, Development and Sustainability, Real Estate Finance and Investments

  此外,还有一些小众的concentrations:Senior housing development, International hospitality investment, International corporate real estate, Private real estate investment trust (REIT) consulting, Health care office real estate, Sustainable urban infill development financing.

  summer internship安排在第一学年和第二学年之间。






  点评:该项目的课程设置相当全面,任何一个没有房地产背景的人在接受了这样的教育后没有理由不成为一个跨门类的专家。core courses里包括Seminar Series和Project Workshop,后者是所有二年级学生都参加的实战性的项目,capstone course,是非常难得的经验。Leadership and Management Distribution主要培养领导和管理技能,例如Business Ethics, Negotiation, Cross-cultural Management, Decision Making等等,非常实用。

  4. New York University(纽约大学)

  School of Professional Studies

  MS in Real Estate Development

  MS in Real Estate

  MS in Construction Management

  重点说一下MSRED和MSRE这两个项目,MSc Construction Management更适合有建筑或工程背景的申请者。

  MSRED的核心课程为开发过程提供了坚实的基础和理解; 发展项目融资; 法律,土地使用和监管框架; 设计和施工; 以及市场分析和技术。项目时长很灵活,最快可以13个月学完,正常是2年完成。



  Core Courses+Concentrations+Elective Courses+Capstone


  Core Curriculum:

  Tier I (Real Estate Finance, Real Estate Economics & Market Analysis, Legal Principles & Practices, The Development Process)

  Tier II (Land Use & Environmental Regulation, Planning & Design Issues in Development, Construction Methods & Technology, Real Estate Valuation & Feasibility Analysis)

  Three concentrations with specialized tier courses:

  1. The business of development, which includes entrepreneurship and public private partnerships.

  2. Sustainable development such as green buildings, and infrastructure and resilience

  3. Global development, such as comparative international real estate development and advanced real estate development and investment practices.


  Core Curriculum:

  Tier I (Principls of Real Estate Accounting & Taxation, Real Estate Finance, Real Estate Economics & Market Analysis, Legal Principles & Practices)

  Tier II (Real Estate Valuation & Feasibility Analysis, The Development Process, Corporate Finance, Negotiation & Dispute Resolution)

  Tier III (Real Estate Capital Markets)

  Two concentrations with specialized tier courses:

  1. Finance and Investment: This concentration provides you with an in-depth understanding of real estate finance and investment.

  2. Real Estate Asset Management: This concentration provides you with the practical, hands-on skill set to evaluate, acquire, and manage institutional and family-owned real estate portfolios.




  托福官方最低要求110分,雅思最低8分。国际生需要做Pearson Versant English Placement Test (VEPT).



美国哪些大学房地产硕士专业比较好 美国留学 哥伦比亚大学