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 院校新资讯 2023年康奈尔大学应用经济与管理学硕士专业公布了申请条件及截止日期!


  MPS in Applied Economics and Management



  Behavioral Finance


  AEM 6140 – Behavioral and Managerial Decision Making (fall, 3 credits)

  AEM 5230 – Contemporary Topics in Behavioral Finance (fall, 3 credits)


  AEM 5570 – Corporate Finance (fall, 3 credits)

  AEM 5280 – Valuation of Capital Investment (spring, 3 credits)

  AEM 5290 – International Financial Management (fall, 3 credits)

  AEM 5620 – Financial Modeling and Analysis (fall, 2 credits)

  AEM 5670 – Investments in the Global Economy (fall, 3 credits)

  NBA 5120 – Applied Portfolio Management (fall/spring, 3 credits)

  NBA 5420 – Investment and Portfolio Management (Spring, 3 credits)

  NBA 5590 – The Venture Capital Industry and Private Equity Markets (spring, 0.5 credits)

  Behavioral Marketing


  AEM 6140 – Behavioral and Managerial Decision Making (fall, 3 credits)

  AEM 6440 – Consumer Behavior (fall, 3 credits)


  AEM 5550 – Advertising Strategy (fall, 1.5 credits)

  AEM 5435 – Data Driven Marketing (fall, 1.5 credits)

  AEM 5495 – Consumer Neuroscience (spring, 3 credits)

  AEM 5160 – Strategic Pricing (spring, 3 credits)

  NBA 6340 – Customer Strategy and Analytics (spring, 1.5 credits)

  NBA 6090 – Digital Marketing (fall/spring, 1.5 credits)

  NBA 6220 – Marketing strategy (fall, 1.5 credits)

  NBA 6290 – Special Topics in Marketing (fall, 1.5 credits)

  NBA 6620 – Brand Management (fall, 1.5 credits)

  HADM 6430 – Wine Marketing (spring, 3 credits)

  HADM 6435 – Luxury Marketing (spring 3 credits)

  NCC 5530 – Marketing Management* (spring, 3 credits)

  Business of Food


  AEM 6140 – Behavioral and Managerial Decision Making (fall, 3 credits)


  AEM 5310 – Business and Economics of Food (spring, 3 credits)

  AEM 5450 – Toward a Sustainable Global Food System (fall, 3 credits)

  AEM 5480 – From Labels to Lab-Grown Meat: Consumer Behavior and the Food Industry (spring, 3 credits)

  AEM 6480 – Food and Consumer Packaged Goods Industry Dynamics (spring, 3 credits)

  AEM 5260 – Cooperative Business Management (spring, 3 credits)

  FDSC 5100 – Sensory Evaluation of Food (fall, 2-3 credits)

  DSOC 5400 – Agriculture, Food, Sustainability and Social Justice (fall, 3 credits)

  PLSCS 5140 – Global Cropping Systems and Sustainable Development (fall, 3 credits)

  International and Development Economics (IDE)


  AEM 6050 – Agriculture Finance and Development (spring, 1.5 credits)

  AEM 6300 – Policy Analysis: Welfare Theory, Agriculture, and Trade (spring, 4 credits)

  AEM 54XX* – Toward a Sustainable Global Food System: Food Policy for Developing Countries (fall, 3 credits)

  AEM 5420 – Emerging Markets (fall, 3 credits)

  AEM 6125 – Impact Evaluation in Developing Countries (fall, 3 credits)

  AEM 6880 – Global Food, Energy, and Water Nexus – Engage the US, China and India for Sustainability (fall, 3-4 credits)

  AEM 6600 – Natural Resources and Economic Development (spring, 3 credits)

  AEM 6940 – Product Design and International Development (spring, 1.5 credits)

  AEM 6410 – Commodity Futures and Options (spring, 3 credits)

  CRP 6720 – International Institutions (spring, 3 credits)

  ECPM 7660 – Microeconomics of International Development (spring , 3 credits)

  IARD 6960 – Perspectives in International Development (spring, 1 credit)

  NBA 5255 – Global Macroeconomics News and Events (spring, 1.5 Credits)

  NBA 6030 – Strategies for Sustainability (spring, 1.5 credits)

  NBA 6370 – Current Global Issues for Business: the US, Europe, China and Emerging Markets (spring, 1.5 credits)

  NBA 6380 – Finance and Sustainable Global Enterprise Colloquium (spring, 1 credit)

  Sustainable Business and Economic Policy


  AEM 5XXX* – Resource Economics. (spring, 3 credits)

  AEM 5XXX* – Environmental Economics. (spring, 3 credits)

  AEM 5XXX* – Business and Economics of Energy. (fall, 3 credits)

  AEM 6580 – The Economics and Psychology of Sustainable Business (fall, 1.5 credits)

  AEM 6510 – Environmental and Resource Economics (fall, 3 credits)

  AEM 6600 – Natural Resources and Economic Development (spring, 3 credits)

  NBA 6030 – Strategies for Sustainability (spring, 1.5 credits)

  NBA 6380 – Finance and Sustainable Global Enterprise Colloquium (spring, 1 credit)

  NBA 6370 – Current Global Issues for Business: the US, Europe, China, and Emerging Markets (spring, 1.5 credits)

  Technology Management


  AEM 5220 – Digital Business Strategy (fall, 3 credits)


  AEM 5615 – Digital Platform Strategy (spring, 1.5 credits)

  AEM 5600 – Predictive Analytics in Business Strategy (spring, 3 credits)

  AEM 5650 – Strategic Management of Innovation (spring, 3 credits)

  Digital Technology Immersion with Prof. Shawn Mankad,Johnson School (spring, 6 credits)

  NBA 6480 – Digital Technology Practicum (business client projects)

  2 analytics electives (1.5 cr each)

  By application only

  Semester in Strategic Operations with Prof. Nagesh Gavirneni, Johnson School (spring, 4-7 credits)

  NBA 6500 – Operations Practicum (project; guest speakers; class; site visits – 4 credits)

  Optional electives on operations management









  · 须有认可的学院或大学的学士学位或同等学历

  · 建议提交GMAT 或 GRE 考试成绩

  · 需要两封推荐信

  · 托福最低总分要求100,或雅思最低总分要求7.0

  · 视频面试


2022康奈尔大学应用经济与管理学硕士专业申请条件 康奈尔大学 美国留学申请条件