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2023年美国景观建筑硕士专业TOP10大学排名 康奈尔大学稳坐榜首!


  康奈尔大学Cornell University


  Landscape Architecture M.L.A.

  3 年制,不可申请 2 年制

  2 年制申请人需要美国或者加拿大景观建筑学或建筑学的第一个专业学位,包括BLA、BSLA或BArch学位。accredited first professional degree in landscape

  architecture or architecture including BLA, BSLA, or BArch degrees.


  1.4,2023fall 待确认


  1. 2封推荐信2 RL

  2. 作品集:通过网申上传,没有页数要求,8.5" x 11" or 11"x 17."不大于 20MB,




  项目意向project intention

  以及每项工作的媒介and medium of each work.

  3. 成绩单:扫描件

  4. 目的声明Statement of purpose:

  1-2 页


  Described your academic background in enough detail to show your experience.


  and preparedness in the field?


  Shown that you are a good fit for the program you are applying to?


  Defined why you want a graduate degree in this field?


  Demonstrated that you are self-motivated, persistent, competent, and have the skills necessary to be successful in graduate school?


  Followed the SOP instructions as defined by the program you are applying to?


  Polished, proofread and had others review your SOP?

  5. 鼓励提交 GRE, 如果申请奖学金则必须提交,送分代码:2098

  6. 语言成绩:

  (TOEFL) with a reading (22), writing (22), listening (20), and speaking(25).

  IELTS required score is 7.0.

  宾夕法尼亚大学University of Pennsylvania


  MLA First Professional Degree

  3 年制不需要自己选择学制


  1.11,2023fall 待确认


  1. 网申

  2. 作品集:1 个 PDF,不超过 10 MB, 不超过 20 页 (maximum page size 10 x 12")

  或者不超过 10 页 (maximum 10 x 24") if you use spreads. 封面和目录页不算在页数范围内。

  3. 3封推荐信3 RL

  4. 个人陈述:不超过500字,描述你的背景,对你的领域的兴趣,以及你的学术和职业目标。你应该尽可能详细地说明你计划学习的领域。

  Personal statement:no more than 500 words long, describing your background, interest in your field, and your academic and career objectives. You should be as specific as you can about the area in which you plan to study.

  5. 成绩单:需要 WES 认证

  6. 简历RESUME

  7. GRE :

  We suggest a minimum of 160 Verbal, 148 Quantitative, and 4.5 for Analytical Writing.

  GRE 送分代码 2926

  8. 语 言 :

  We suggest a minimum score of 100 on the TOEFL, 68 for the PTE Academic, and a band score of 7.0 for the IELTS.

  加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校UC Berkeley


  Master of Landscape architecture

  2 年制(风景园林、建筑或环境设计专业学生如果申请了 3年制,学校会按照两年制申请审核)


  December 15, 2023


  1. 网申

  2. 申请费

  3. 目的说明Statement of Purpose


  At a minimum, the Statement of Purpose should indicate, with clarity and focus, your purpose for entering the graduate program, your proposed emphasis of study, and any special interest(s)in the field. It should highlight your intellectual and practical background for graduate school, and your perspective on how the college’s resources and those of the UC Berkeley campus would enable you to find an intellectual home here. You should give us a sense of who you are and why you feel that a Berkeley degree will help you reach your goals. Also, what you have done, written, experienced or learned that makes you an interesting candidate.

  4. 个人经历陈述Personal History Statement


  Please describe how your personal background informs your decision to pursue a graduate degree.


  Your statement can include any educational, familial, cultural, economic or social experiences, challenges or opportunities relevant to your academic journey such as:


  How you have overcome barriers to access in higher education;


  Evidence of how you have come to understand the barriers faced by others;


  Evidence of your academic service to advance equitable access to higher education for women, racial minorities, and individuals from other groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education;


  Evidence of your research focusing on underserved populations or related issues of inequality, or evidence of your leadership among such groups.

  5. 3封推荐信3 RL

  6. Examination(s):

  GRE 2023fall 不需要

  TOEFL/IELTS 90/7.0

  GRE 和托福送分代码 4833

  7. 成绩单:扫描件

  8. Grade PointAverage


  A G.P.A. of 3.0 or better (on a 4-point scale)in the last two years of UNDERGRADUATE STUDY is required.


  Please calculate (GPA Calculator) your advanced G.P.A


  For those applicants whose undergraduate university or college does NOT use a 4-point scale, the calculation of an advanced GPA is NOT required.


  If this applies to you, please enter N/A"in Advanced, Cumulative and Major G.P.A. boxes and enter your university's GPA in the Other G.P. A. box. this applies to you, please enter" N/A"in GPA section of the application.

  9. 简历Resume or Curriculum Vitae

  10. 作品集:1 个 PDF,10MB 以内


  The portfolio may contain up to 12 pages(8-1/2x1l-format) of design content. Please note that beyond 12 pages, your portfolio may not be reviewed.


  Title page and /or table of contents may be submitted, and will not count toward the 12 pages of content.


  The digital portfolio should showcase recent, high-quality work, and will be judged on both content and overall design.


  Applicants without professional training may submit work that shows other evidence of creativity(studio art, construction/renovation, furniture design, etc ) and clearly demonstrates interest in the proposed subject field.

  密歇根大学University of Michigan


  Master of Landscape Architecture



  December 15, 2023 (11:59 p.m. EST): Priority Deadline for Fall 2023


  January 15, 2023 (11:59 p.m. EST): Funding Consideration Deadline for Fall 2023


  1. 网申

  2. 获取 U-M ID:完成申请表滴 6 页之后会收到,附在所有材料上

  3. 上传 transcripts,还需要邮寄

  4. 简历curriculum vitae or resume


  academic statement of purpose (~500 words) is your opportunity to introduce yourself to faculty and explain how graduate study at SEAS fits into your plans. Faculty members use the statements to understand your education and career objectives, as well as to see how well you write and organize your thoughts. Ideally, your statement should be concise (not more than two double-spaced pages), well-written, and describe your academic and research background, your career and educational objectives, and how a SEAS graduate program will help you meet your goals. Please indicate your planned field of study and the faculty members with whom you wish to work.

  6. 个人陈述(约500字)应说明你的背景和生活经历,包括文化、地理、金融、教育或其他机会或挑战是如何促使你决定在密歇根大学攻读研究生学位的。换句话说,你应该描述一下你申请SEAS的个人经历。请不要重复你的学术目的声明。

  personal statement (~500 words) should convey how your background and life experiences—including cultural, geographical, financial, educational or other opportunities or challenges—have motivated your decision to pursue a graduate degree at the University of Michigan. In other words, you should describe the personal journey that has led you to apply to SEAS. Please do not repeat your academic statement of purpose.

  7. 邮寄成绩单原件,需要附 letter

  Rackham Graduate School

  Attn: Transcripts/U-M ID# or Transcripts/Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

  915 East Washington Street

  Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1070


  8. 送分: 84/6.5 2023fall 申请不需要 GRE

  GRE 和托福送分代码 1839

  9. 3 RL

  10. 作品集:无大小要求页数要求,电子版上传

  11. Create a U-M Friend Account:递交申请之后

  南加利福尼亚大学University of Southern California


  Master of Landscape Architecture + Urbanism






  2023fall 待确认


  1. 网申

  2. 成绩单:需要邮寄原件,需要附表格

  University of Southern California

  USC Office of GraduateAdmission and Financial Aid

  3601 South Flower Street, Tyler 112

  LosAngeles, CA90089-0915

  Phone: (213) 740-1111

  3. GRE:no less than 297(Quantitative: 144 and Verbal: 153) 送分代码 4852

  4. 语言:95 单项 20/6.5 单项 6

  送分代码 4852

  5. CV

  6. 意向书请清楚描述你的学习意向和兴趣。将此文档直接上载到SlideeRoom。没有最小或最大长度要求。

  STATEMENT OF INTENT Please clearly describe your study intentions and interests. Upload this document directly into SlideRoom. There are no minimum or maximum length requirements.

  7. 3 RL

  8. 作品集:至少10到25个数字图像文件上传到网上。图像(每个高达5MB)、视频(每个高达250MB)和模型(Sketchfab)。你也可以链接到YouTube和Vimeo的媒体。

  a minimum of 10 and up to 25 digital image files uploaded online. Images (up to 5MB each), Video (up to 250MB each) and Models (Sketchfab). You may also link to media from YouTube and Vimeo.

  罗德岛设计学院Rhode Island School of Design


  Master of Landscape Architecture


  1.10,2023fall 待确认


  1. 申请表

  2. 成绩单:扫描件

  3. 作品集+video essay


  10-25 items Images (up to 5MB per file), Video (up to 250MB per file), Audio (up to 30MB per file) and PDFs (up to 10MB per file).

  景观建筑学 | 所有申请风景园林硕士学位课程的人都需要提交一个作品集和一个额外的视频论文。你的作品集应该包含10个单独制作和精心挑选的作品图像,反映你对景观和风景园林学科的兴趣。MLA-l项目的申请人,如果没有事先的设计培训,可以包括照片、草图或书面作品,以表达他们观察、识别和探索景观空间条件的能力。所有其他申请者都应该选择最能代表他们在这一领域兴趣发展的工作。所有的作品都应该贴上标签,标明是学术的、专业的还是个人的。如果提出团队项目,则必须明确指出您的个人贡献。作品集应该包含最少的文本。

  Landscape Architecture I All applicants to the Master’s of Landscape Architecture degree programs are required to submit a portfolio and an additional video essay. Your portfolio should contain 10 Individually produced and carefully chosen images of work that reflects your interests in landscape and the discipline of landscape architecture. Applicants to the MLA-l program who have no prior design training may include photographs, sketches or written work that conveys their ability to observe, identify and explore spatial conditions within the landscape. All other applicants should include a selection of work that best represents the development of their Interest in this field of study. All work should be labeled to indicate if it Is academIc, professional or personal. If team projects are presented, your Individual contribution must be clearly identified. The portfolio should Include a minimal amount of text.


  Prepare a short video of yourself telling us:


  The most important reason you are motivated to study landscape architecture


  At least one goal you hope to achieve in your graduate education


  Why you think RISD is the best place to achieve your goals


  You are encouraged to be authentic and heartfelt in your response. This essay will function as the beginning of a conversation you will continue to have if you enter the program at RISD and it does not have to be the same information provided in your written essay. Cell phone videos are accepted as well. Maximum length 2 minutes.

  4. 目的陈述:你的文章应该描述你对景观的兴趣是如何发展起来的,你作品集中的作品是如何体现这种发展的,以及为什么RISD的景观设计课程似乎很适合你的目标。

  Statement of purpose:Your essay should describe how your interest in landscape developed, how the work in your portfolio is indicative of that development and why the landscape architecture program at RISD seems well suited to your goals.

  5. 3 RL

  6. 语言:93/6.5 不需要 GRE

  圣路易斯华盛顿大学Washington university in St. Louis


  Master of Landscape Architecture


  1.15,2023fall 待确认


  1. 个人和学术信息

  Personal and academic information.


  Astatement of objective of educational and career goals.

  3.简历 Aresume/curriculum vita

  4. 3 RL

  5. 85 美金申请费

  6. 成绩单:扫描件,录取之后需要做 CHESICC 认证

  7. 90/6.5

  托福送分代码 institution code (6929) and department code (12)

  8. 作品集:


  Portfolio Formatting/Technical Requirements

  请将作品集作为一个PDF文档提交,最大文件大小为20 MB,最大分辨率为150 dpi。所有工作都应该用高分辨率数字图像来完成。

  Pleae submit the portfolio as a single PDF document, with a maximum file size of 20 MB and a maximum resolution of 150 dpi. All work should be produced in high-resolution digital images.


  Prepare the file for computer monitor viewing ( i.e., horizontal orientation), with text that is at least 8 points large so that it is legible when viewed full-screen.


  Applicants may submit a maximum of 25 pages(note: 2-page spreads count as one page). Front and back cover pages are allowed and would increase the maximum page limit to 27.


  The layout of the portfolio pages should be clear, with brief descriptions for each piece or project.

  北卡罗来纳州立大学North Carolina State University


  Master of Landscape Architecture


  1.15,2023fall 待确认


  1. 个人陈述,陈述职业目标,先前的经验,研究生学习的意图,以及它们与北卡罗来纳州立大学所选课程的相关性。

  Personal Statement stating career objectives, prior experience, intention of graduate study, and their relevance to the selected program at NC State University

  2. 作品集:作品集应展示申请人的聪明才智,创作潜力,对景观建筑和设计的热情,以及丰富的经验,通过收集图片,照片和书面材料。

  Portfolio should demonstrate applicant’s intelligence, creative potential, passion for landscape architecture and design, and breadth of experience through a collection of graphic, photographic, and written material.

  3. 成绩单:扫描件

  4. 3 RL

  5. GRE:不需要

  送分代码 5496

  6. 80 单项 18/6.5

  托福送分代码 5496

  7. CV

  弗吉尼亚大学University of Virginia


  Master of Landscape Architecture





  1. Request for Information

  2. 自测path:

  3. 网申

  4. 成绩单:扫描件,建议做 WES 认证

  5. CV

  6. 简短回答Short Response




  How might your experiences, your work, and your goals align with these efforts? (250 word limit)


  The School of Architecture is committed to increasing the benefits of a diverse, equitable, and inclusive learning environment and society. Edward Wayne Barnett and Audrey spencer-Horsley, for whom our DEl Scholarships are named, overcame adversities and made path-breaking contributions to the school of Architecture, the University of virginia, their professions, and their communities. Applicants may apply for one of our DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) Scholarships by responding to the following essay question in the graduate application:

  7. 意向声明Statement of Intent:


  Describe why you are interested in landscape architecture as a professional field and how UVA School of Architecture will help you meet your goals. Include a description of contemporary situations, urban conditions and/or environmental issues you hope to influence through your research, analysis, planning and design as a landscape architect.

  最多两页2 pages maximum


  新罗马字体12号字12-point Times New Roman font

  边距1英寸1 inch margins

  8. 论文:学术探究


  Master of Landscape Architecture applicants(Path 2, 2.5, 3 applicants)


  Describe a designed or vernacular landscape that you have visited and found significant. What did you learn from your first-hand experience? What about it affected you and why? The landscape you select can be a well-known designed landscape, or an ordinary and less recognized place.

  Master of Landscape Architecture applicants (Path 2 ADV applicants)


  Discuss the design and research topics you intend to explore as the focus of your studies at UVA. If known, you may list faculty members with whom you would like to study.


  最多1页1 page maximun


  新罗马字体12号字12-point Times New Roman font

  边距1英寸1 inch margins

  9. 3 RL

  10. GRE: 2023fall 不需要

  11. 语言:90/7.0 接受中国版托福

  送分代码 B875

  12. 作品集


  不大于15MBNo larger than15MB

  设计和格式化为在屏幕上观看:作品集将不打印审查Designed and formatted for on-screen viewing: Portfolio will not be printed for review

  PDF格式PDF format

  大约20页或10页Around 20 pages or 10 spreads

  格式化为水平(或横向格式),以便在计算机显示器或数字屏幕上更好地查看Formatted to horizontal (or landscape format) for better viewing on a computer monitor or digital screen

  宾夕法尼亚州立大学The Pennsylvania State University


  Master of Landscape Architecture


  1.15,2023fall 待确认


  1. 网申

  2. 成绩单:扫描件

  3. 语言:80 口语 19/6.5 送分代码 2660

  4. GRE:需要

  5. 分析能力的证据(研究论文或其他)。Evidence of analytical ability (research paper or other).

  6. 申请人的申请声明,说明他们为什么希望在宾州州立大学从事风景园林职业,这与他们以前的学术经验有什么关系,以及这将如何提高他们未来的专业兴趣和目标。

  application statement from the applicant describing why they wish to pursue a career in landscape architecture at Penn State, how it relates to their previous academic experience and how it will enhance their professional interests and goals in the future.

  7. 作品集:无大小要求页数要求,电子版上传

  8. 3 RL


2022美国景观建筑硕士专业大学排名 美国景观建筑专业 美国留学热门院校