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卡内基梅隆大学计算数据科学硕士专业 让你成为挖掘数据的开发者!


  Master of Computational Data Science



  Common Core

  The following four (4) core courses are to be completed by all students during their first two semesters:

  15-619 Cloud Computing

  10-601 Machine Learning

  05-839 Interactive Data Science

  11-631 Data Science Seminar

  Systems Concentration

  15-605 Operating Systems Implementation

  15-618 Parallel Computer Architecture & Programming

  15-640 Distributed Systems

  15-641 Computer Networks

  15-645 Database Systems

  15-712 Advanced and Distributed Operating Systems

  15-719 Advanced Cloud Computing

  15-721 Advanced Databases

  15-746 Advanced Storage Systems

  15-821 Mobile and Pervasive Computing

  36-702 Statistical Machine Learning

  36-705 Intermediate Statistics

  36-725 Convex Optimization

  Analytics Concentration

  10-608 Conversational Machine Learning

  10-701 Introduction to Machine Learning (PhD)

  10-703 Deep Reinforcement Learning & Control

  10-708 Probabilistic Graphical Models

  10-715 Advanced Intro to Machine Learning

  10-725 Convex Optimization

  10-805 Machine Learning with Big Data Sets

  11-641 Machine Learning for Text Mining

  11-661 Language and Statistics

  11-727 Computational Semantics for NLP

  11-741 Machine Learning for Text Mining

  11-747 Neural Networks for NLP

  11-755 Machine Learning for Signal Processing

  11-761 Language and Statistics

  11-763 Structured Prediction

  11-777 Advanced Multimedia Machine Learning

  11-785 Intro to Deep Learning

  Choose one course in Software Systems:

  11-642 Search Engines

  11-747 Neural Networks for NLP

  11-775 Large-Scale Multimedia Analysis

  11-777 Advanced Multimedia Machine Learning

  11-791 Design & Engineering of Intelligent Information Systems

  11-792 Intelligent Systems Project

  11-797 Question Answering

  Choose one course with a focus on Big Data:

  10-605 Machine Learning with Big Data Sets

  10-805 Machine Learning with Big Data Sets

  11-775 Large-Scale Multimedia Analysis

  Human-Centered Data Science (HCDS) Concentration

  Choose one course in Behavioral Research Methods:

  05-816 Applied Research Methods

  94-834 Applied Econometrics I & II

  Choose two courses in HCI Methods:

  05-821 Social Web

  05-823 E-Learning Design Principles and Methods

  05-833 Applied Gadgets, Sensors & Activity Recognition

  05-836 Usable Privacy and Security

  05-840 Tools for On-Line Learning

  05-872 Rapid Prototyping of Computer Systems

  05-891 Designing Human Centered Systems

  05-899 Crowd Programming

  05-899 Learning Analytics & Educational Data Science

  05-899 Special Topics in HCI: Sensemaking

  05-899 Design of Large-Scale Peer Learning Systems

  05-899 Learning With Peers at Massive Scale

  05-899 Mobile Health


  GPA 3.0或更高。










卡内基梅隆大学计算数据科学硕士专业 卡内基梅隆大学 美国留学热门专业