• 免费咨询留学:400-697-9728
  • 服务监督热线:400-821-8688
  • 选择学位阶段
  • 高中
  • 预科
  • 语言课程
  • 职业教育
  • 研究生
  • 大学本科
  • 博士

乔治华盛顿大学戏剧本科专业 带你领域戏剧艺术的魅力!


  Bachelor of Arts in Theatre



  Required (18 Credits)

  CTAD 1214 Beginning Acting

  or CTAD 1215 Acting Fundamentals for Majors and Minors

  CTAD 1330 Basics of Production Design

  CTAD 2339 Theatre Practicum (taken six times for a total of 6 credits)

  CTAD 3245 History of the Theatre I

  or CTAD 3245W History of the Theatre I

  CTAD 3246 History of the Theatre II

  or CTAD 3246W History of the Theatre II

  3 credits (one course) in design/technical theatre courses selected from the following*:

  CTAD 3331 Introduction to Lighting

  CTAD 3332 Theatrical Makeup Design

  CTAD 3333 Stage Management

  CTAD 3334 Introduction to Audio Design

  CTAD 3335 Introduction to Scene Design

  CTAD 3336 Introduction to Costuming

  CTAD 4338 Scene Painting

  CTAD 4594 Special Topics in Production Design

  15 additional credits (roughly five courses) in the theatre area selected from the following in consultation with the advisor*:

  CTAD 1000 Dean's Seminar

  CTAD 1025 Understanding the Theatre

  CTAD 1035 Theatre Production

  CTAD 2215 Scene Study

  CTAD 2240 Play Analysis

  CTAD 2250 Dramatic Writing

  or ENGL 2250 Dramatic Writing

  CTAD 3131W Performance, Identity, and Social Change

  CTAD 3222 Topics in Advanced Acting

  CTAD 3223 Mask and Movement

  CTAD 3224 Voice and Speech

  CTAD 3225 Stage Dialects

  CTAD 3226 Acting Shakespeare

  CTAD 3227 Acting for Camera

  CTAD 3228 Creating Solo Performance: Performing Culture, Performing History

  CTAD 3229 Auditions and the Acting Business

  CTAD 3231 Unarmed Stage Combat

  CTAD 3232 Stage Combat Swordplay

  CTAD 3240 Introduction to Dramaturgy

  or ENGL 3240 Introduction to Dramaturgy

  CTAD 3247 Musical Theatre History

  CTAD 3248 Theatre Historiography: Shakespeare and Global Classics

  CTAD 3249 Decolonizing Shakespeare through Contemporary Theory

  CTAD 3331 Introduction to Lighting *

  CTAD 3332 Theatrical Makeup Design *

  CTAD 3333*

  CTAD 3334 Introduction to Audio Design *

  CTAD 3335 Introduction to Scene Design *

  CTAD 3336 Introduction to Costuming *

  CTAD 4275 Directing for the Theatre *

  CTAD 4338 Scene Painting

  CTAD 4592 Special Topics in Theatre Studies

  CTAD 4593 Special Topics in Theatre Performance

  CTAD 4594 Special Topics in Production Design

  CTAD 4595 Selected Topics

  or CTAD 4595W Selected Topics

  CTAD 4596 Independent Study

  CTAD 4598 Internship

  CTAD 4597 Senior Project

  or CTAD 4599 Honors Thesis


  1. 申请要求学生缴纳80美元的不可退还的申请费。


  3. 发送官方成绩单





  A minimum score of 90 on the TOEFL; OR

  A minimum score of 6.5 on the IELTS; OR

  A minimum score of 61 on the PTE Academic; OR

  A minimum score of 115 on the Duolingo English Test


乔治华盛顿大学戏剧本科专业 乔治华盛顿大学 美国留学热门专业