• 免费咨询留学:400-697-9728
  • 服务监督热线:400-821-8688
  • 选择学位阶段
  • 高中
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  • 研究生
  • 大学本科
  • 博士

德雷塞尔大学艺术史本科专业 带你解锁艺术的发展史!


  BA Art History



  General education requirements

  ANTH 101 Introduction to Cultural Diversity

  COOP 101 Career Management and Professional Development

  ENGL 101 Composition and Rhetoric I: Inquiry and Exploratory Research

  or ENGL 111 English Composition I

  ENGL 102 Composition and Rhetoric II: Advanced Research and Evidence-Based Writing

  or ENGL 112 English Composition II

  ENGL 103 Composition and Rhetoric III: Themes and Genres

  or ENGL 113 English Composition III

  HIST 161 Themes in World Civilization I

  HIST 162 Themes in World Civilization II

  or HIST 163 Themes in World Civilization III

  PHIL 101 Introduction to Western Philosophy

  PHIL 105 Critical Reasoning

  PSCI 120 History of Political Thought

  UNIV A101 The Drexel Experience

  ENGL: Non-Western Literature Elective

  ENGL: Western Literature Elective

  Mathematics and Natural Science

  Required Arts and Humanities-students elect a minimum of 6 credits

  Foreign Language

  Social Sciences


  Art History requirements

  ARTH 477 Art History Seminar

  VSST 100 Introduction to Art & Design

  or VSST 107 Introduction to Design for Media

  or VSST 110 Introductory Drawing

  Foundation Survey Courses

  ARCH 141 Architecture and Society I

  ARTH 101 History of Art I

  ARTH 102 History of Art II

  ARTH 103 History of Art III

  ARTH 301 Asian Art and Culture

  Methods Courses

  ARTH 150 Building Skills in Object Analysis

  ARTH 200 Principles and Methods of Art History

  Design History

  ARTH 300 [WI] History of Modern Design

  Global Art and Cultures (select one)

  ARTH 314 Contemporary Art

  ARTH 340 Women in Art

  Arts of Europe and the Americas (select one)

  ARTH 310 Early American Art

  ARTH 311 Twentieth Century American Art

  ARTH 313 20th Century Art

  ARTH 315 African-American Art

  ARTH 318 Latin American Art

  ARTH 325 Ancient Greek and Roman Art

  ARTH 327 Italian Renaissance Art

  Arts of Asia and Africa (select one)

  ARTH 302 Art of India

  ARTH 303 Art of China

  ARTH 304 Art of Japan

  ARTH 316 African Art

  Art History Electives select 7 courses from the following

  Media Arts & Design

  ARTH 320 Art in the Age of Technology

  ARTH 335 [WI] History of Costume I: Preclassical to 1800

  ARTH 336 [WI] History of Costume II: 1800-1920

  ARTH 337 History of Costume: 1920 to Present

  FMST 101 Film History I: Emergence

  FMST 102 Film History II: New Waves

  FMST 103 Film History III: Trends

  PHTO 275 [WI] History of Photography I

  PHTO 276 [WI] History of Photography II

  VSCM 350 [WI] Graphic Design: 20th Century and Beyond

  Western Art: Ancient to Modern

  ARTH 310 Early American Art

  ARTH 326 Medieval Art

  ARTH 328 Northern Renaissance

  ARTH 329 Art of the 17th and 18th Centuries


  ARTH 311 Twentieth Century American Art

  ARTH 312 Nineteenth Century Art

  ARTH 314 Contemporary Art

  ARTH 315 African-American Art

  ARTH 317 Modern Art Theory and Criticism

  Asia, Africa, Latin America

  ARTH 302 Art of India

  ARTH 303 Art of China

  ARTH 304 Art of Japan

  ARTH 316 African Art

  Advanced Course Work

  ARTH 400 Art History Senior Thesis

  ARTH T380 Special Topics in Art History

  ARTH T480 Special Topics in Art History

  ARTH I399 Independent Study in Art History

  ARTH I499 Independent Study in Art History


  ARCH 142 Architecture and Society II

  ARCH 143 Architecture and Society III

  ARCH 144 Architecture and Society IV

  ARCH 340 American Architecture & Urbanism

  ARCH 344 [WI] History of Modern Architecture

  ARCH 345 [WI] History of Modern Architecture II

  ARCH 346 [WI] History of Philadelphia Architecture

  ARCH T480 Special Topics in Architecture



  2. Essay

  所有申请者必须通过通用申请或联合申请提交一份250- 650字的文章。




  Minimum TOEFL Score — 550 (paper exam), 79 (computer exam)

  Minimum IELTS Score — 6.5





  作品集只能在SlideRoom中完成。上传您的创造性工作的最高质量的文档。SlideRoom中概述了对由图像、音频、视频、PDF或嵌入式媒体组成的文件的媒体需求。如果文件是在Pro Tools, Logic, Ableton,或GarageBand中录制,合成或混合的例子,请包括正在进行的截图和详细描述您的过程。







德雷塞尔大学艺术史本科专业 德雷塞尔大学 美国留学热门专业