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  • 服务监督热线:400-821-8688
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  • 研究生
  • 大学本科
  • 博士



  Bachelor of Architecture



  First Year

  List of first-year fall semester classes and credits.

  Fall Semester

  ARCH 1101 Design I

  ARCH 1501 Representation I: Freehand Architectural Drawing

  ARCH 1611 Environmental Systems I: Site and Sustainability

  ARCH 1801 History of Architecture I

  Out-of-College Elective (First-Year Writing Seminar suggested)

  List of first-year spring semester classes and credits.

  Spring Semester

  ARCH 1102 Design II

  ARCH 1502 Representation II: Media of Representation

  ARCH 1612 Structural Concepts

  ARCH 1802 History of Architecture II

  Free Out-of-College Elective*

  Second Year

  List of second-year fall semester classes and credits.

  Fall Semester

  ARCH 2101 Design III

  ARCH 2301 Architectural Analysis: Buildings, Drawings, and Texts

  ARCH 2613 Structural Systems

  ARCH 2614 Building Technology I: Materials and Methods

  Free Out-of-Department Elective*

  List of second-year spring semester classes and credits.

  Spring Semester

  ARCH 2102 Design IV

  ARCH 2615 Building Technology II: Structural Elements

  ARCH 2616: Environmental Systems II: Building Dynamics

  Out-of-Department Elective (MQR suggested)*

  Free Out-of-Department Elective*

  Third Year

  During the third year, half of the class is at Cornell in Rome each semester taking the core studio and ARCH 3301. Those not in Rome are primarily in Ithaca taking the Ithaca-based design studio.

  List of third-year fall or spring semester classes and credits.

  Rome: Fall or Spring Semester

  ARCH 3101 Design V (Fall) / ARCH 3102 Design VI (Spring)

  ARCH 3301 Architectural Analysis II: Architecture, the City, and Landscape

  Out-of-Department Elective (art suggested)*

  Departmental Elective (architectural history suggested)*

  List of third-year fall or spring semester classes and credits.

  Ithaca: Fall or Spring Semester

  ARCH 3101 Design V (Fall) / ARCH 3102 Design VI (Spring)

  Free Departmental Elective*

  Free Departmental Elective*

  Free Out-of-Department Elective*

  Free Out-of-Department Elective*

  Fourth Year

  List of fourth-year fall semester classes and credits.

  Fall Semester

  ARCH 4101 Design VII

  Departmental Elective (architectural history suggested)*

  Departmental Elective (theory suggested)*

  Out-of-Department Elective (MQR or PBS suggested)*

  Out-of-Department Elective (art)*

  List of fourth-year fall semester classes and credits.

  Spring Semester

  ARCH 4102 Design VIII

  ARCH 5201 Professional Practice

  Departmental Elective*

  Free Out-of-Department Elective (RDE elective suggested)*

  Free Departmental Elective


  ARCH 5201 can be taken in the fourth or fifth year without petition

  The required directed elective (RDE) is a free departmental or free out-of-department elective. It can be taken in the 4102 or 5101 semester without petition. The RDE must be completed before thesis.

  Fifth Year

  List of fifth-year fall semester classes and credits.

  Fall Semester

  ARCH 5101 Design IX

  Out-of-Department Elective (humanities suggested)*

  Free Departmental Elective*

  Free Departmental Elective*

  Free Out-of-Department Elective*

  List of fifth-year spring semester classes and credits.

  Spring Semester

  ARCH 5902 X Thesis

  Free Departmental Elective*

  Free Out-of-Department Elective*

  Free Out-of-Department Elective*

  *Elective classes may be switched between different semesters, as long as total distribution requirements are met (except that the First-Year Writing Seminar should be taken in the first year).


  【作品集是应用程序必需的和非常重要的组成部分。所有申请人必须通过Cornell AAP SlideRoom在线提交作品集。作品集应该包含几个徒手画的例子,包括草图以及充分开发的工作。除了绘画,一系列的艺术媒体需要展示,但每个申请人应该强调他们的技能和热情表达最强烈的工作。绘画、版画、雕塑、摄影、录像、木工等工艺可以传达艺术经验和才能。








  TOEFL: score of 100

  IELTS: score of 7


康奈尔大学建筑设计本科专业 康奈尔大学 美国留学热门专业