• 免费咨询留学:400-697-9728
  • 服务监督热线:400-821-8688
  • 选择学位阶段
  • 高中
  • 预科
  • 语言课程
  • 职业教育
  • 研究生
  • 大学本科
  • 博士

渥太华大学历史学硕士专业 一门看似冷门实则火爆的学科!


  Master of Arts in History




  HIS 5103 Seminar in Canadian History

  HIS 5111 Seminar in New Frances

  HIS 5122 Research Seminar

  HIS 5125 Seminar on History of Quebec

  HIS 5129 Seminar on British North America

  HIS 5199 English Language Requirement in History

  HIS 5503 Séminaire en histoire du Canada

  HIS 5511 Séminaire en histoire de la Nouvelle-France

  HIS 5522 Séminaire de recherche

  HIS 5525 Séminaire en histoire du Québec

  HIS 5529 Séminaire sur le Canada sous le régime britannique

  HIS 5599 Exigence de langue française en histoire

  HIS 6103 Seminar in American History

  HIS 6332 Seminar on the History of Technology

  HIS 6334 History of Francophones in North America, Outside of Quebec

  HIS 6336 Seminar on Immigrants and Ethnic Groups in North America

  HIS 6503 Séminaire en histoire américaine

  HIS 6532 Séminaire en histoire de la technologie

  HIS 6536 Séminaire en histoire des immigrants et des communautés ethnoculturelles en Amérique du Nord

  HIS 6734 Histoire des francophones en Amérique du Nord, hors Québec

  HIS 6999 Mémoire de maîtrise / Research Paper

  HIS 7103 Seminar in European History

  HIS 7304 Seminar In Medieval History

  HIS 7330 Seminar on Comparative History

  HIS 7331 Seminar on the History of Women and Gender

  HIS 7333 Seminar on International Relations

  HIS 7335 Seminar on War and Society

  HIS 7336 Slovaks in Europe, Canada and the United States Since 1870

  HIS 7337 Seminar on History of Medicine

  HIS 7338 Seminar on the History of Colonialism and Post Colonialism

  HIS 7399 Directed Studies in History

  HIS 7503 Séminaire en histoire européenne

  HIS 7530 Séminaire en histoire comparée

  HIS 7535 Séminaire sur la guerre et la société

  HIS 7704 Séminaire en histoire médiévale

  HIS 7705 Méthodes de recherche en histoire

  HIS 7731 Séminaire en histoire des femmes et du genre

  HIS 7733 Séminaire en relations internationales

  HIS 7738 Séminaire en histoire du colonialisme et du postcolonialisme

  HIS 7799 Études dirigées en histoire

  HIS 8900 Séminaire de recherche doctorale / Doctoral Research Seminar

  HIS 9901 Le Canada français / French Canada

  HIS 9902 L'Amérique coloniale / Colonial America

  HIS 9903 L'Amérique britannique du nord jusqu'à 1873 / British North America to 1873

  HIS 9904 Le Canada après la confédération / Post-Confederation Canada

  HIS 9905 La Nouvelle-France / New France

  HIS 9910 Québec / Quebec

  HIS 9920 L'Amérique latine / Latin America

  HIS 9930 Histoire de l'Asie / Asian History

  HIS 9940 Histoire du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord / Middle Eastern and North African History

  HIS 9950 Histoire de l'Afrique / History of Africa

  HIS 9954 Histoire des États-Unis / U.S. History

  HIS 9980 Histoire économique / Economic History

  HIS 9981 Histoire socioculturelle / Social-Cultural History

  HIS 9982 Histoire intellectuelle / Intellectual History

  HIS 9983 Histoire politique / Political History

  HIS 9984 Relations internationales / International Relations

  HIS 9985 Histoire de la médecine, des techniques et des sciences / History of Medicine, Technology and Sciences

  HIS 9986 Histoire des Autochtones du Canada / History of Canada's Native Peoples

  HIS 9987 Histoire des immigrants et des communautés ethnoculturelles en Amérique du Nord / History of Immigrants and Ethnic Groups in North America

  HIS 9988 Histoire des femmes / Women's History

  HIS 9989 Histoire militaire et diplomatique / Military and Diplomatic History

  HIS 9990 L'Europe médiévale / Medieval Europe

  HIS 9991 L'Europe moderne / Early Modern Europe

  HIS 9992 La Grande-Bretagne / Great Britain

  HIS 9993 L'Europe des 19e et 20e siècles / 19th and 20th Century Europe

  HIS 9994 La France depuis la révolution / France Since the Revolution

  HIS 9995 La France de l'ancien régime / France of the Ancient Regime

  HIS 9998 Examen oral du doctorat / Doctoral Oral Examination


  获得历史学士学位(或同等学历),平均成绩不低于70% (B)*







  1. 研究项目:充分描述你的研究项目,并指定国家或专题历史以及你希望研究的时期。尽可能明确你的研究目标。

  2. 准备工作:说明你的背景准备工作以及你是否适合该主题:即语言能力(如果需要)、本科培训期间的课程和研讨会,或任何相关的个人研究或经历。


  4. 评论你的相关经历(学生交换、研究助理、博物馆/历史遗址导游等),并解释你的学术经历中的任何“异常”(例如,一个学期因为生病而成绩低,耽误了学习时间,等等)。对于博士项目的申请,意向书(2 - 3页)应包括以下四个要素:

  1. 研究计划:提供拟研究计划的详细大纲(选题定义、研究假设、史学、资料来源)。

  2. 准备:说明你是否适合学习这个话题,包括语言能力(如果需要),过去的学术培训,个人研究和经验。


  4. 说明您是否已提交申请,以获得相关机构的研究生研究奖学金,以及是否已获得奖学金(取决于结果日期)。


  托福580 /雅思总分6.5 -个人6.0(纸质)

  托福92-93/雅思总分6.5 -个人6.0(网络)


渥太华大学历史学硕士专业 渥太华大学 加拿大留学热门专业