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多伦多大学作曲硕士专业 开启你的音乐之路!





  MUS3100Y Mus.M. Advanced Composition I

  MUS3101H Seminar in Schenkerian Analysis

  MUS3102H Seminar in Schenkerian Analysis II

  MUS3105Y Mus.M. Advanced Composition II

  MUS3112H Bartok for Composers

  MUS3133H Symphonic Modernisms, 1900–1925

  MUS3203H Score Analysis for Composers and Conductors

  MUS3405H Topics in the History of Music Theory: 1600-1950

  MUS3204H Advanced Orchestration

  MUS3208H The String Quartet in the Twentieth Century

  MUS3209H Twentieth Century Opera

  MUS3212H Music and Popular Entertainments

  MUS3213H Composing for Chamber Ensemble

  MUS3221H Sequencing and Improvisation

  MUS3222H Composing for Film

  MUS3223H Berg

  MUS3224H Sonata Form

  MUS3227H Composing for Film 2

  MUS3228H Recent Approaches to Classical Form

  MUS3230H The Music of Messiaen, Schnittke, and Part

  MUS3231H Conducting for Composers

  MUS3232H Romantic Form

  MUS3240H Extended Techniques for the Woodwinds

  MUS3243H The Music of Elliott Carter

  MUS3244H Music Recording

  MUS3245H Music of Ligeti and Lutoslawski

  MUS3246H Naturalism in New Music

  MUS3247H Form in the Music of Debussy

  MUS3248H Current Compositional Practices

  MUS3250H Alternatives: Music Out of the Mainstream

  MUS3252H The Early Music of Arnold Schoenberg (1893-1908)

  MUS3254H Lessons from Beethoven

  MUS3256H Orchestral Techniques of Contemporary Composers

  MUS3258H Songwriting

  MUS3260H The New Polish School of Composition

  MUS3261H Theory and Analysis of Popular Music

  MUS3300Y Mus.Doc. Advanced Composition I

  MUS3305Y Mus.Doc. Advanced Composition II

  MUS3306H Pedagogy of Music Theory

  MUS3309H Brahms: Symphonies and Chamber Music

  MUS3312H The Present State of Music

  MUS3315H Prokofiev

  MUS3316H Cognitive Perspectives in Music Theory

  MUS3403H Theory and Analysis of Atonal Music

  MUS3404H Extended Tonal Techniques in Twentieth-Century Music

  MUS3409H Analysis I

  MUS3410H Analysis II

  MUS3412H Theories of Rhythm and Meter

  MUS3413H Music and Drama in Wagner’s Ring des Nibelungen

  MUS3415H Introduction to Operatic Composition

  MUS3420H Composing for Percussion

  MUS3421H Composing for Theatre

  MUS3512H Research in Composition

  MUS3610H Music Entrepreneurship: Music & Cities

  MUS3611H Creative Applications of Technology I

  MUS3612H Creative Applications of Technology II

  MUS3613H Musical Acoustics

  MUS3614H Sound Recording I

  MUS3615H Sound Recording II

  MUS3616H Music Mixing and Production

  MUS3617H Production for Multi-Channel Immersive Audio

  MUS3618H Studio Orchestration and Arranging

  JDM3619H Digital Media Distribution

  MUS3630H Interactive Music and Sound for Video Games

  MUS3632H Video for Intermedia Performance

  MUS3634H Topics in Interactive Digital Media and Performance

  MUS3666Y Music Technology & Digital Media Major Project

  MUS3800H Electro-Acoustic Music

  MUS3801H Advanced Electro-acoustic Composition

  MUS3805H Max/MSP

  MUS3806H Computer-Assisted Sound Design and Composition

  MUS3888Y Mus.Doc. Recital of Works

  MUS3997H Research in Music Theory

  MUS3990Y MMus Composition Thesis

  MUS3998H Reading and Research in Composition

  MUS3999Y Research Project (Mus.Doc)













  综上所述,以上讲的就是关于 多伦多大学作曲硕士专业的相关问题介绍,希望能给各位赴加拿大留学的学子们指点迷津。近年来,赴加拿大留学一直是广大学生最热门的话题,同时,很多学生对于签证的办理、院校的选择、就业的前景、学习的费用等诸多问题困扰不断,别担心,IDP留学专家可以为你排忧解难,同时,更多关于赴加拿大留学的相关资讯在等着你,绝对让你“浏览”忘返。在此,衷心祝愿各位学子们能够顺利奔赴自己心目中理想的学校并且学业有成!

多伦多大学作曲硕士专业 多伦多大学 加拿大留学热门专业