• 免费咨询留学:400-697-9728
  • 服务监督热线:400-821-8688
  • 选择学位阶段
  • 高中
  • 预科
  • 语言课程
  • 职业教育
  • 研究生
  • 大学本科
  • 博士

渥太华大学计算机科学硕士专业 实现全民计算机的热潮!


  Master of Computer Science



  CSI 5100 Data Integration

  CSI 5101 Knowledge Representation

  CSI 5102 Topics in Medical Computing

  CSI 5105 Network Security and Cryptography

  CSI 5106 Cryptography

  CSI 5110 Principles of Formal Software Development

  CSI 5111 Software Quality Engineering

  CSI 5112 Software Engineering

  CSI 5113 Foundations Programming Languages

  CSI 5115 Database Analysis and Design

  CSI 5116 Authentication and Software Security

  CSI 5118 Automated Verification and Validation of Software

  CSI 5121 Advanced Data Structures

  CSI 5122 Software Usability

  CSI 5124 Computational Aspects of Geographic Information Systems

  CSI 5126 Algorithms in Bioinformatics

  CSI 5127 Applied Computational Geometry

  CSI 5128 Swarm Intelligence

  CSI 5129 Advanced Database Systems

  CSI 5131 Parallel Algorithms and Applications in Bioinformatics

  CSI 5134 Fault Tolerance

  CSI 5135 Information Visualization and Visual Analytics

  CSI 5136 Computer Security and Usability

  CSI 5137 Selected Topics in Software Engineering (Category E)

  CSI 5138 Selected Topics in Theory of Computing (Category T)

  CSI 5139 Selected Topics in Computer Applications (Category A)

  CSI 5140 Selected Topics in Computer Systems (Category S)

  CSI 5142 Protocols for Mobile and Wireless Networks

  CSI 5146 Computer Graphics

  CSI 5147 Computer Animation

  CSI 5148 Wireless Ad Hoc Networking

  CSI 5149 Graphical Models and Applications

  CSI 5151 Virtual Environments

  CSI 5152 Evolving Information Networks

  CSI 5153 Data Management for Business Intelligence

  CSI 5154 Algorithms for Data Science

  CSI 5155 Machine Learning

  CSI 5161 Principles of Distributed Simulation

  CSI 5163 Algorithm Analysis and Design

  CSI 5164 Computational Geometry

  CSI 5165 Combinatorial Algorithms

  CSI 5166 Applications of Combinatorial Optimization

  CSI 5167 Human-Computer Interaction Models, Theories and Frameworks

  CSI 5168 Digital Watermarking

  CSI 5169 Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing

  CSI 5173 Data Networks

  CSI 5174 Validation Methods for Distributed Systems

  CSI 5175 Mobile Commerce Technologies

  CSI 5180 Topics in Artificial Intelligence

  CSI 5183 Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life

  CSI 5185 Statistical and Syntactic Pattern Recognition

  CSI 5195 Ethics for Artificial Intelligence

  CSI 5200 Projects on Selected Topics

  CSI 5308 Principles of Distributed Computing

  CSI 5311 Distributed Databases and Transaction Processing

  CSI 5312 Distributed Operating Systems Engineering

  CSI 5314 Object-Oriented Software Development

  CSI 5340 Introduction to Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning

  CSI 5341 Learning-based Computer Vision

  CSI 5342 Ubiquitous Sensing for Smart Cities

  CSI 5343 AI-Enabled Communications

  CSI 5344 Geometry Processing

  CSI 5345 Internet of Things (IoT) Security

  CSI 5346 Mining Software Repositories

  CSI 5347 Trends in Big Data Management

  CSI 5380 Systems and Architectures for Electronic Commerce

  CSI 5386 Natural Language Processing

  CSI 5387 Data Mining and Concept Learning

  CSI 5388 Topics in Machine Learning

  CSI 5389 Electronic Commerce Technologies

  CSI 5390 Learning Systems from Random Environments

  CSI 5500 Projets en informatique

  CSI 5501 Modeles formels de l'information

  CSI 5510 Principles de developpement formel de logiciels

  CSI 5511 Genie de la qualite des logiciels

  CSI 5526 Algorithmes en bio-informatique

  CSI 5537 Theme choisi en genie logiciel (categorie E)

  CSI 5538 Theme choisi en theorie de l'informatique (categorie T)

  CSI 5539 Theme choisi en application informatique (categorie A)

  CSI 5540 Theme choisi en systemes informatiques (categorie S)

  CSI 5555 Apprentissage machine

  CSI 5561 Sujets en simulation et en optimisation des systemes

  CSI 5563 Analyse et conception des algorithmes

  CSI 5565 Algorithmes combinatoires

  CSI 5571 Telematique : Concepts et logiciels

  CSI 5580 Sujets en intelligence artificielle

  CSI 5780 Systemes et architectures des logiciels pour le commerce electronique

  CSI 5787 Fouille des donnees et apprentissage des concepts

  CSI 5789 Technologies du commerce electronique

  CSI 5900 Projets de recherche en informatique / Graduate Projects in Computer Science

  CSI 5901 Etudes dirigees / Directed Studies

  CSI 5903 Stage en commerce electronique / Electronic Commerce Work Term

  CSI 5904 Projet de recherche avance en commerce electronique / Graduate Project in Electronic Commerce

  CSI 6900 Projets de recherche intensive en informatique / Intensive Graduate Projects in Computer Science (6 credits / 6 units)

  CSI 7131 Advanced Parallel and Systolic Algorithms

  CSI 7160 Advanced Topics in the Theory of Computing

  CSI 7161 Advanced Topics in Programming Systems and Languages

  CSI 7162 Advanced Topics in Computer Applications

  CSI 7163 Advanced Topics in Computer Systems

  CSI 7170 Advanced Topics in Distributed Computing

  CSI 7314 Advanced Topics in Object-Oriented Systems

  CSI 7561 Etudes avancees en systemes et langages de programmation

  CSI 7900 Projets de recherche en informatique / Graduate Projects in Computer Science

  COMP 6902 at Carleton University.

  CSI 7901 Etudes dirigees / Directed Studies

  COMP 6901 at Carleton University.

  CSI 9901 Colloque / Seminar

  CSI 9902 Colloque / Seminar

  CSI 9997 Proposition de these de doctorat / Doctoral Thesis Proposal

  CSI 9998 Examen general de doctorat / Ph.D. Comprehensive





  完成两门OCICS硕士课程,成绩均为70% (B)或更高(在计算机科学或软件工程学士课程期间)。



  110.00美元($ CDN退还的)






  托福570 /雅思总分6.5 -个人6.0(笔试)

  托福88-89 /雅思总分6.5 -个人6.0(网考)







渥太华大学计算机科学硕士专业 渥太华大学 加拿大留学热门专业