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加拿大约克大学音乐本科专业 带你探索音乐的奥秘!


  Music BFA




  FA/MUSI 1000 Workshop in Musicianship I

  FA/MUSI 1012 Guitar for Non-Majors and Majors

  FA/MUSI 1013 Flute for Non-Majors and Majors

  FA/MUSI 1020F Classical Performance: French Horn

  FA/MUSI 1020E Classical Performance: Saxophone

  FA/MUSI 1020D Classical Performance: Bassoon

  FA/MUSI 1020N Classical Performance: Violin

  FA/MUSI 1020B Classical Performance: Oboe

  FA/MUSI 1020W Medieval and Renaissance Bowed Strings

  FA/MUSI 1020U Recorder

  FA/MUSI 1020M Classical Performance: Voice

  FA/MUSI 1020S Classical Performance: Euphonium

  FA/MUSI 1020T Plucked Strings: Medieval and Renaissance

  FA/MUSI 1020Q Classical Performance: Double Bass

  FA/MUSI 1020Q Classical Performance: Double Bass

  FA/MUSI 1020N Classical Performance: Violin

  FA/MUSI 1020J Classical Performance: Percussion

  FA/MUSI 1020H Classical Performance: Trombone

  FA/MUSI 1020P Classical Performance: Cello

  FA/MUSI 1020L Classical Performance: Guitar

  FA/MUSI 1020E Classical Performance: Saxophone

  FA/MUSI 1020A Classical Performance: Flute

  FA/MUSI 1020F Classical Performance: French Horn

  FA/MUSI 1020O Classical Performance: Viola

  FA/MUSI 1020P Classical Performance: Cello

  FA/MUSI 1020T Plucked Strings: Medieval and Renaissance

  FA/MUSI 1020R Classical Performance: Harp

  FA/MUSI 1020D Classical Performance: Bassoon

  FA/MUSI 1020J Classical Performance: Percussion

  FA/MUSI 1020M Classical Performance: Voice

  FA/MUSI 1020R Classical Performance: Harp

  FA/MUSI 1020U Recorder

  FA/MUSI 1020W Medieval and Renaissance Bowed Strings

  FA/MUSI 1020I Classical Performance: Tuba

  FA/MUSI 1020A Classical Performance: Flute

  FA/MUSI 1020G Classical Performance: Trumpet

  FA/MUSI 1020O Classical Performance: Viola

  FA/MUSI 1020H Classical Performance: Trombone

  FA/MUSI 1020I Classical Performance: Tuba

  FA/MUSI 1020C Classical Performance: Clarinet

  FA/MUSI 1020B Classical Performance: Oboe

  FA/MUSI 1020S Classical Performance: Euphonium

  FA/MUSI 1020C Classical Performance: Clarinet

  FA/MUSI 1020G Classical Performance: Trumpet

  FA/MUSI 1020L Classical Performance: Guitar

  FA/MUSI 1023 Performance Anxiety: Coping Strategies for the Performing Artist

  FA/MUSI 1024 York University Concert Choir

  FA/MUSI 1025 York University Wind Symphony

  FA/MUSI 1026 Orchestra

  FA/MUSI 1028V York University Chamber Choir

  FA/MUSI 1029 Topics in Vocal Performance I

  FA/MUSI 1032 Contemporary Musicianship and Improvisation

  FA/MUSI 1033 Private lessons in open-style improvisation

  FA/MUSI 1033 Private lessons in open-style improvisation

  FA/MUSI 1043 West African Drum Ensemble: Ghanaian

  FA/MUSI 1044 Celtic Canadian Folk Ensemble

  FA/MUSI 1049 Cuban Music

  FA/MUSI 1050 Introduction to Jazz Performance

  FA/MUSI 1051 Jazz Workshop I

  FA/MUSI 1052 Jazz Orchestra I

  FA/MUSI 1054B Jazz Bass

  FA/MUSI 1054G Jazz Vocal

  FA/MUSI 1054D Jazz Guitar

  FA/MUSI 1054E Jazz Woodwind

  FA/MUSI 1054F Jazz Brass

  FA/MUSI 1054H Jazz Strings

  FA/MUSI 1054D Jazz Guitar

  FA/MUSI 1054E Jazz Woodwind

  FA/MUSI 1054B Jazz Bass

  FA/MUSI 1054C Jazz Percussion

  FA/MUSI 1054A Jazz Piano

  FA/MUSI 1054H Jazz Strings

  FA/MUSI 1054A Jazz Piano

  FA/MUSI 1054F Jazz Brass

  FA/MUSI 1054C Jazz Percussion

  FA/MUSI 1054G Jazz Vocal

  FA/MUSI 1058 York Rhythm and Blues Ensemble

  FA/MUSI 1059 Jazz Theory and Musicianship I

  FA/MUSI 1080 Classical Piano Performance

  FA/MUSI 1080 Classical Piano Performance

  FA/MUSI 1081 Piano Literature and Pedagogy

  FA/MUSI 1082 Piano Accompanying

  FA/MUSI 1083 Harpsichord

  FA/MUSI 1083 Harpsichord

  FA/MUSI 1084 Organ: Classical performance private instruction on organ

  FA/MUSI 1084 Organ: Classical performance private instruction on organ

  FA/MUSI 1093 Balkan Music Ensemble

  FA/MUSI 1094 Escola de Samba

  FA/MUSI 1095 Caribbean Ensemble

  FA/MUSI 1099J World Music: Individual Instruction - Jembe

  FA/MUSI 1099L World Music: Individual Instruction - Baglama

  FA/MUSI 1099T World Music: Individual Instruction - Tabla

  FA/MUSI 1099V World Music: Individual Instruction - Village Folk Vocal Styles

  FA/MUSI 1099W World Music: Individual Instruction - World Rhythms for Drumkit

  FA/MUSI 1099X World Music: Individual Instruction - Xiao

  FA/MUSI 1099E World Music: Individual Instruction - Early Music Wind Instruments

  FA/MUSI 1099N Ghanaian Percussion

  FA/MUSI 1099X World Music: Individual Instruction - Xiao

  FA/MUSI 1099L World Music: Individual Instruction - Baglama

  FA/MUSI 1099D World Music: Individual Instruction - Dizi

  FA/MUSI 1099U World Music: Individual Instruction: Traditional Harp

  FA/MUSI 1099G World Music: Individual Instruction - Folk Guitar

  FA/MUSI 1099G World Music: Individual Instruction - Folk Guitar

  FA/MUSI 1099V World Music: Individual Instruction - Village Folk Vocal Styles

  FA/MUSI 1099H World Music: Individual Instruction - Hand Percussion: Various Traditions

  FA/MUSI 1099F World Music: Individual Instruction - Flamenco Guitar

  FA/MUSI 1099P World Music: Individual Instruction - Pipa

  FA/MUSI 1099H World Music: Individual Instruction - Hand Percussion: Various Traditions

  FA/MUSI 1099D World Music: Individual Instruction - Dizi

  FA/MUSI 1099S World Music: Individual Instruction - Persian Radif

  FA/MUSI 1099A World Music: Individual Instruction - Ashkenazi and Sephardic Vocal Music

  FA/MUSI 1099Y World Music: Individual Instruction - Yangqin and Zheng

  FA/MUSI 1099T World Music: Individual Instruction - Tabla

  FA/MUSI 1099F World Music: Individual Instruction - Flamenco Guitar

  FA/MUSI 1099S World Music: Persian Radif

  FA/MUSI 1099Y World Music: Individual Instruction - Yangqin and Zheng

  FA/MUSI 1099W World Music: Individual Instruction - World Rhythms for Drumkit

  FA/MUSI 1099E World Music: Individual Instruction - Early Music Wind Instruments

  FA/MUSI 1099B World Music: Individual Instruction - Balkan Vocal Music

  FA/MUSI 1099A World Music: Individual Instruction - Ashkenazi and Sephardic Vocal Music

  FA/MUSI 1099N Ghanaian Percussion

  FA/MUSI 1099C World Music: Individual Instruction - Folk Fiddle

  FA/MUSI 1099P World Music: Individual Instruction - Pipa

  FA/MUSI 1099C World Music: Individual Instruction - Folk Fiddle

  FA/MUSI 1099B World Music: Individual Instruction - Balkan Vocal Music

  FA/MUSI 1099J World Music: Individual Instruction - Jembe

  FA/MUSI 1099U World Music: Individual Instruction: Traditional Harp

  FA/MUSI 1110 Composition Studio I

  FA/MUSI 1140 Digital and Electronic Media I

  FA/MUSI 1200 Musics and Cultures I

  FA/MUSI 1500 The Music of Bollywood Films

  FA/MUSI 1510 The Musical Experience

  FA/MUSI 1520 Rhythm and Blues, Soul, Funk and Rap

  FA/MUSI 1530 Rock and Popular Music

  FA/MUSI 1556 Gospel Choir

  FA/MUSI 1557 Gospel Ensemble: Instrumental

  FA/MUSI 1580 Women and Popular Music

  FA/MUSI 1900 Music in the City

  FA/MUSI 2000 Workshop in Musicianship II

  FA/MUSI 2002 An Introduction to Entrepreneurship for Artists

  FA/MUSI 2012 Guitar for Non-Majors and Majors

  FA/MUSI 2023I Classical Performance: Tuba

  FA/MUSI 2023J Classical Performance: Percussion

  FA/MUSI 2023C Classical Performance: Clarinet

  FA/MUSI 2023B Classical Performance: Oboe

  FA/MUSI 2023U Recorder

  FA/MUSI 2023F Classical Performance: French Horn

  FA/MUSI 2023A Classical Performance: Flute

  FA/MUSI 2023D Classical Performance: Bassoon

  FA/MUSI 2023I Classical Performance: Tuba

  FA/MUSI 2023F Classical Performance: French Horn

  FA/MUSI 2023C Classical Performance: Clarinet

  FA/MUSI 2023A Classical Performance: Flute

  FA/MUSI 2023P Classical Performance: Cello

  FA/MUSI 2023R Classical Performance: Harp

  FA/MUSI 2023S Classical Performance: Euphonium

  FA/MUSI 2023E Classical Performance: Saxophone

  FA/MUSI 2023O Classical Performance: Viola

  FA/MUSI 2023N Classical Performance: Violin

  FA/MUSI 2023W Medieval and Renaissance Bowed Strings

  FA/MUSI 2023M Classical Performance: Voice

  FA/MUSI 2023L Classical Performance: Guitar

  FA/MUSI 2023J Classical Performance: Percussion

  FA/MUSI 2023U Recorder

  FA/MUSI 2023P Classical Performance: Cello

  FA/MUSI 2023Q Classical Performance: Double Bass

  FA/MUSI 2023E Classical Performance: Saxophone

  FA/MUSI 2023N Classical Performance: Violin

  FA/MUSI 2023R Classical Performance: Harp

  FA/MUSI 2023B Classical Performance: Oboe

  FA/MUSI 2023M Classical Performance: Voice

  FA/MUSI 2023D Classical Performance: Bassoon

  FA/MUSI 2023Q Classical Performance: Double Bass

  FA/MUSI 2023H Classical Performance: Trombone

  FA/MUSI 2023T Plucked Strings: Medieval and Renaissance

  FA/MUSI 2023W Medieval and Renaissance Bowed Strings

  FA/MUSI 2023L Classical Performance: Guitar

  FA/MUSI 2023G Classical Performance: Trumpet

  FA/MUSI 2023O Classical Performance: Viola

  FA/MUSI 2023T Plucked Strings: Medieval and Renaissance

  FA/MUSI 2023G Classical Performance: Trumpet

  FA/MUSI 2023H Classical Performance: Trombone

  FA/MUSI 2023S Classical Performance: Euphonium

  FA/MUSI 2024 York University Concert Choir

  FA/MUSI 2025 York University Wind Symphony

  FA/MUSI 2026 Orchestra

  FA/MUSI 2028V York University Chamber Choir

  FA/MUSI 2029 Topics in Vocal Performance II

  FA/MUSI 2032 Contemporary Musicianship and Improvisation

  FA/MUSI 2033 Private lessons in open-style improvisation

  FA/MUSI 2033 Private lessons in open-style improvisation

  FA/MUSI 2043 West African Drum Ensemble: Ghanaian

  FA/MUSI 2044 Celtic Canadian Folk Ensemble

  FA/MUSI 2049 Cuban Music

  FA/MUSI 2051A Jazz Workshop II: New Directions

  FA/MUSI 2051 Jazz Workshop II

  FA/MUSI 2052 Jazz Orchestra II

  FA/MUSI 2054H Jazz Strings

  FA/MUSI 2054A Jazz Piano

  FA/MUSI 2054F Jazz Brass

  FA/MUSI 2054H Jazz Strings

  FA/MUSI 2054D Jazz Guitar

  FA/MUSI 2054F Jazz Brass

  FA/MUSI 2054C Jazz Percussion

  FA/MUSI 2054G Jazz Vocal

  FA/MUSI 2054E Jazz Woodwind

  FA/MUSI 2054B Jazz Bass

  FA/MUSI 2054B Jazz Bass

  FA/MUSI 2054A Jazz Piano

  FA/MUSI 2054E Jazz Woodwind

  FA/MUSI 2054D Jazz Guitar

  FA/MUSI 2054G Jazz Vocal

  FA/MUSI 2054C Jazz Percussion

  FA/MUSI 2058 York Rhythm and Blues Ensemble

  FA/MUSI 2059 Jazz Theory and Musicianship II

  FA/MUSI 2061 Jazz Repertoire Ensemble/saxophone

  FA/MUSI 2080 Classical Piano Performance

  FA/MUSI 2080 Classical Piano Performance

  FA/MUSI 2083 Harpsichord

  FA/MUSI 2083 Harpsichord

  FA/MUSI 2084 Organ: Classical performance private instruction on organ

  FA/MUSI 2084 Organ: Classical performance private instruction on organ

  FA/MUSI 2093 Balkan Music Ensemble

  FA/MUSI 2094 Escola de Samba

  FA/MUSI 2099S World Music: Individual Instruction - Persian Radif

  FA/MUSI 2099H World Music: Individual Instruction - Hand Percussion: Various Traditions

  FA/MUSI 2099Y World Music: Individual Instruction - Yangqin and Zheng

  FA/MUSI 2099J World Music: Individual Instruction - Jembe

  FA/MUSI 2099A World Music: Individual Instruction - Ashkenazi and Sephardic Vocal Music

  FA/MUSI 2099N Ghanaian Percussion

  FA/MUSI 2099P World Music: Individual Instruction - Pipa

  FA/MUSI 2099E World Music: Individual Instruction - Early Music Wind Instruments

  FA/MUSI 2099B World Music: Individual Instruction - Balkan Vocal Music

  FA/MUSI 2099V World Music: Individual Instruction - Village Folk Vocal Styles

  FA/MUSI 2099G World Music: Folk Guitar

  FA/MUSI 2099S World Music: Individual Instruction - Persian Radif

  FA/MUSI 2099U World Music: Individual Instruction: Traditional Harp

  FA/MUSI 2099C World Music: Individual Instruction - Folk Fiddle

  FA/MUSI 2099V World Music: Individual Instruction - Village Folk Vocal Styles

  FA/MUSI 2099U World Music: Individual Instruction: Traditional Harp

  FA/MUSI 2099X World Music: Individual Instruction - Xiao

  FA/MUSI 2099F World Music: Individual Instruction - Flamenco Guitar

  FA/MUSI 2099T World Music: Individual Instruction - Tabla

  FA/MUSI 2099E World Music: Individual Instruction - Early Music Wind Instruments

  FA/MUSI 2099N Ghanaian Percussion

  FA/MUSI 2099F World Music: Individual Instruction - Flamenco Guitar

  FA/MUSI 2099L World Music: Individual Instruction - Baglama

  FA/MUSI 2099L World Music: Individual Instruction - Baglama

  FA/MUSI 2099W World Music: Individual Instruction - World Rhythms for Drumkit

  FA/MUSI 2099H World Music: Individual Instruction - Hand Percussion: Various Traditions

  FA/MUSI 2099W World Music: Individual Instruction - World Rhythms for Drumkit

  FA/MUSI 2099Y World Music: Individual Instruction - Yangqin and Zheng

  FA/MUSI 2099X World Music: Individual Instruction - Xiao

  FA/MUSI 2099D World Music: Individual Instruction - Dizi

  FA/MUSI 2099G World Music: Folk Guitar

  FA/MUSI 2099B World Music: Individual Instruction - Balkan Vocal Music

  FA/MUSI 2099C World Music: Individual Instruction - Folk Fiddle

  FA/MUSI 2099P World Music: Individual Instruction - Pipa

  FA/MUSI 2099D World Music: Individual Instruction - Dizi

  FA/MUSI 2099T World Music: Individual Instruction - Tabla

  FA/MUSI 2099J World Music: Individual Instruction - Jembe

  FA/MUSI 2099A World Music: Individual Instruction - Ashkenazi and Sephardic Vocal Music

  FA/MUSI 2110 Composition Studio II

  FA/MUSI 2200 Musics and Cultures II

  FA/MUSI 2520 Contemporary Black Urban Music

  FA/MUSI 2556 Gospel Choir

  FA/MUSI 2557 Gospel Ensemble: Instrumental

  ED/MUSI 3000 Teaching Music in the Intermediate Division

  FA/MUSI 3001 Choral Conducting and Performance Techniques

  FA/MUSI 3004 Career Development for Musicians

  FA/MUSI 3012 Guitar for Non-Majors and Majors

  FA/MUSI 3020D Classical Performance: Bassoon

  FA/MUSI 3020Q Classical Performance: Double Bass

  FA/MUSI 3020O Classical Performance: Viola

  FA/MUSI 3020T Plucked Strings: Medieval and Renaissance

  FA/MUSI 3020W Medieval and Renaissance Bowed Strings

  FA/MUSI 3020S Classical Performance: Euphonium

  FA/MUSI 3020A Classical Performance: Flute

  FA/MUSI 3020U Recorder

  FA/MUSI 3020F Classical Performance: French Horn

  FA/MUSI 3020M Classical Performance: Voice

  FA/MUSI 3020T Plucked Strings: Medieval and Renaissance

  FA/MUSI 3020G Classical Performance: Trumpet

  FA/MUSI 3020N Classical Performance: Violin

  FA/MUSI 3020G Classical Performance: Trumpet

  FA/MUSI 3020M Classical Performance: Voice

  FA/MUSI 3020F Classical Performance: French Horn

  FA/MUSI 3020J Classical Performance: Percussion

  FA/MUSI 3020E Classical Performance: Saxophone

  FA/MUSI 3020I Classical Performance: Tuba

  FA/MUSI 3020C Classical Performance: Clarinet

  FA/MUSI 3020A Classical Performance: Flute

  FA/MUSI 3020Q Classical Performance: Double Bass

  FA/MUSI 3020S Classical Performance: Euphonium

  FA/MUSI 3020E Classical Performance: Saxophone

  FA/MUSI 3020D Classical Performance: Bassoon

  FA/MUSI 3020R Classical Performance: Harp

  FA/MUSI 3020H Classical Performance: Trombone

  FA/MUSI 3020R Classical Performance: Harp

  FA/MUSI 3020B Classical Performance: Oboe

  FA/MUSI 3020B Classical Performance: Oboe

  FA/MUSI 3020O Classical Performance: Viola

  FA/MUSI 3020J Classical Performance: Percussion

  FA/MUSI 3020U Recorder

  FA/MUSI 3020C Classical Performance: Clarinet

  FA/MUSI 3020H Classical Performance: Trombone

  FA/MUSI 3020L Classical Performance: Guitar

  FA/MUSI 3020I Classical Performance: Tuba

  FA/MUSI 3020L Classical Performance: Guitar

  FA/MUSI 3020N Classical Performance: Violin

  FA/MUSI 3020P Classical Performance: Cello

  FA/MUSI 3020W Medieval and Renaissance Bowed Strings

  FA/MUSI 3020P Classical Performance: Cello

  FA/MUSI 3024 York University Concert Choir

  FA/MUSI 3025 York University Wind Symphony

  FA/MUSI 3026 Orchestra

  FA/MUSI 3028V York University Chamber Choir

  FA/MUSI 3029 Master Class in Performance I

  FA/MUSI 3030 Recital I

  FA/MUSI 3032 Contemporary Musicianship and Improvisation

  FA/MUSI 3033 Private lessons in open-style improvisation

  FA/MUSI 3033 Private lessons in open-style improvisation

  FA/MUSI 3043 West African Drum Ensemble: Ghanaian

  FA/MUSI 3044 Celtic Canadian Folk Ensemble

  FA/MUSI 3049 Cuban Music

  FA/MUSI 3051A Jazz Workshop III: New Directions

  FA/MUSI 3051 Jazz Workshop III

  FA/MUSI 3052 Jazz Orchestra III

  FA/MUSI 3054D Jazz Guitar

  FA/MUSI 3054E Jazz Woodwind

  FA/MUSI 3054H Jazz Strings

  FA/MUSI 3054D Jazz Guitar

  FA/MUSI 3054A Jazz Piano

  FA/MUSI 3054F Jazz Brass

  FA/MUSI 3054A Jazz Piano

  FA/MUSI 3054G Jazz Vocal

  FA/MUSI 3054E Jazz Woodwind

  FA/MUSI 3054B Jazz Bass

  FA/MUSI 3054C Jazz Percussion

  FA/MUSI 3054G Jazz Vocal

  FA/MUSI 3054B Jazz Bass

  FA/MUSI 3054H Jazz Strings

  FA/MUSI 3054F Jazz Brass

  FA/MUSI 3054C Jazz Percussion

  FA/MUSI 3058 York Rhythm and Blues Ensemble

  FA/MUSI 3059 Jazz Theory and Musicianship III

  FA/MUSI 3061 Jazz Repertoire Ensemble/saxophone

  FA/MUSI 3070 Electro-Acoustic Orchestra

  FA/MUSI 3080 Classical Piano Performance

  FA/MUSI 3080 Classical Piano Performance

  FA/MUSI 3083 Harpsichord

  FA/MUSI 3083 Harpsichord

  FA/MUSI 3084 Organ: Classical performance private instruction on organ

  FA/MUSI 3084 Organ: Classical performance private instruction on organ

  FA/MUSI 3093 Balkan Music Ensemble

  FA/MUSI 3094 Escola de Samba

  FA/MUSI 3099U World Music: Individual Instruction: Traditional Harp

  FA/MUSI 3099T World Music: Individual Instruction - Tabla

  FA/MUSI 3099F World Music: Individual Instruction - Flamenco Guitar

  FA/MUSI 3099S World Music: Individual Instruction - Persian Radif

  FA/MUSI 3099A World Music: Individual Instruction - Ashkenazi and Sephardic Vocal Music

  FA/MUSI 3099A World Music: Individual Instruction - Ashkenazi and Sephardic Vocal Music

  FA/MUSI 3099U World Music: Individual Instruction: Traditional Harp

  FA/MUSI 3099Y World Music: Individual Instruction - Yangqin and Zheng

  FA/MUSI 3099H World Music: Individual Instruction - Hand Percussion: Various Traditions

  FA/MUSI 3099J World Music: Individual Instruction - Jembe

  FA/MUSI 3099D World Music: Individual Instruction - Dizi

  FA/MUSI 3099P World Music: Individual Instruction - Pipa

  FA/MUSI 3099Y World Music: Individual Instruction - Yangqin and Zheng

  FA/MUSI 3099T World Music: Individual Instruction - Tabla

  FA/MUSI 3099C World Music: Individual Instruction - Folk Fiddle

  FA/MUSI 3099H World Music: Individual Instruction - Hand Percussion: Various Traditions

  FA/MUSI 3099L World Music: Individual Instruction - Baglama

  FA/MUSI 3099C World Music: Individual Instruction - Folk Fiddle

  FA/MUSI 3099S World Music: Individual Instruction - Persian Radif

  FA/MUSI 3099N Ghanaian Percussion

  FA/MUSI 3099V World Music: Individual Instruction - Village Folk Vocal Styles

  FA/MUSI 3099X World Music: Individual Instruction - Xiao

  FA/MUSI 3099J World Music: Individual Instruction - Jembe

  FA/MUSI 3099W World Music: Individual Instruction - World Rhythms for Drumkit

  FA/MUSI 3099W World Music: Individual Instruction - World Rhythms for Drumkit

  FA/MUSI 3099B World Music: Individual Instruction - Balkan Vocal Music

  FA/MUSI 3099F World Music: Individual Instruction - Flamenco Guitar

  FA/MUSI 3099G World Music: Individual Instruction - Folk Guitar

  FA/MUSI 3099G World Music: Individual Instruction - Folk Guitar

  FA/MUSI 3099L World Music: Individual Instruction - Baglama

  FA/MUSI 3099E World Music: Individual Instruction - Early Music Wind Instruments

  FA/MUSI 3099E World Music: Individual Instruction - Early Music Wind Instruments

  FA/MUSI 3099D World Music: Individual Instruction - Dizi

  FA/MUSI 3099P World Music: Individual Instruction - Pipa

  FA/MUSI 3099B World Music: Individual Instruction - Balkan Vocal Music

  FA/MUSI 3099V World Music: Individual Instruction - Village Folk Vocal Styles

  FA/MUSI 3099N Ghanaian Percussion

  FA/MUSI 3099X World Music: Individual Instruction - Xiao

  FA/MUSI 3110 Composition Studio III

  FA/MUSI 3131 Jazz Composition and Arranging: Small Ensembles

  FA/MUSI 3141 Introduction to Scoring for Film, Games, and Motion Media

  FA/MUSI 3310 Music in the Modern Era

  FA/MUSI 3320 From Raag to Raja: Exploring the Music of India

  FA/MUSI 3322 Music of Africa

  FA/MUSI 3332 Baroque Music

  FA/MUSI 3333 Classical Music: Murder, Mayhem, and Order

  FA/MUSI 3338 Music in Film

  FA/MUSI 3350 Music of the Americas

  FA/MUSI 3360 Jazz History 1

  FA/MUSI 3406 History of Gospel Music

  FA/MUSI 3500 Popular Music in the Era of Rock

  FA/MUSI 3556 Gospel Choir

  FA/MUSI 3557 Gospel Ensemble: Instrumental

  FA/MUSI 3600 Issues in Music Education

  FA/MUSI 3607 Instrumental Music Education

  FA/MUSI 3620 Issues in Community Music

  ED/MUSI 4000 Teaching Music in the Intermediate-Senior Divisions - A

  ED/MUSI 4001 Teaching Music in the Intermediate-Senior Divisions - B

  FA/MUSI 4020H Classical Performance: Trombone

  FA/MUSI 4020O Classical Performance: Viola

  FA/MUSI 4020N Classical Performance: Violin

  FA/MUSI 4020M Classical Performance: Voice

  FA/MUSI 4020R Classical Performance: Harp

  FA/MUSI 4020S Classical Performance: Euphonium

  FA/MUSI 4020R Classical Performance: Harp

  FA/MUSI 4020F Classical Performance: French Horn

  FA/MUSI 4020D Classical Performance: Bassoon

  FA/MUSI 4020G Classical Performance: Trumpet

  FA/MUSI 4020J Classical Performance: Percussion

  FA/MUSI 4020Q Classical Performance: Double Bass

  FA/MUSI 4020W Medieval and Renaissance Bowed Stringsv

  FA/MUSI 4020S Classical Performance: Euphonium

  FA/MUSI 4020E Classical Performance: Saxophone

  FA/MUSI 4020O Classical Performance: Viola

  FA/MUSI 4020A Classical Performance: Flute

  FA/MUSI 4020H Classical Performance: Trombone

  FA/MUSI 4020U Recorder

  FA/MUSI 4020T Plucked Strings: Medieval and Renaissance

  FA/MUSI 4020A Classical Performance: Flute

  FA/MUSI 4020M Classical Performance: Voice

  FA/MUSI 4020B Classical Performance: Oboe

  FA/MUSI 4020Q Classical Performance: Double Bass

  FA/MUSI 4020J Classical Performance: Percussion

  FA/MUSI 4020F Classical Performance: French Horn

  FA/MUSI 4020P Classical Performance: Cello

  FA/MUSI 4020W Medieval and Renaissance Bowed Strings

  FA/MUSI 4020G Classical Performance: Trumpet

  FA/MUSI 4020I Classical Performance: Tuba

  FA/MUSI 4020I Classical Performance: Tuba

  FA/MUSI 4020L Classical Performance: Guitar

  FA/MUSI 4020U Recorder

  FA/MUSI 4020T Plucked Strings: Medieval and Renaissance

  FA/MUSI 4020D Classical Performance: Bassoon

  FA/MUSI 4020P Classical Performance: Cello

  FA/MUSI 4020C Classical Performance: Clarinet

  FA/MUSI 4020E Classical Performance: Saxophone

  FA/MUSI 4020N Classical Performance: Violin

  FA/MUSI 4020B Classical Performance: Oboe

  FA/MUSI 4020L Classical Performance: Guitar

  FA/MUSI 4020C Classical Performance: Clarinet

  FA/MUSI 4024 York University Concert Choir

  FA/MUSI 4025 York University Wind Symphony

  FA/MUSI 4026 Orchestra

  FA/MUSI 4028V York University Chamber Choir

  FA/MUSI 4029 Master Class in Performance II

  FA/MUSI 4030 Recital II

  FA/MUSI 4030 Recital II

  FA/MUSI 4032 Contemporary Musicianship and Improvisation

  FA/MUSI 4033 Private lessons in open-style improvisation

  FA/MUSI 4033 Private lessons in open-style improvisation

  FA/MUSI 4043 West African Drum Ensemble: Ghanaian

  FA/MUSI 4044 Celtic Canadian Folk Ensemble

  FA/MUSI 4049 Cuban Music

  FA/MUSI 4051 Jazz Workshop IV

  FA/MUSI 4051A Jazz Workshop IV: New Directions

  FA/MUSI 4052 Jazz Orchestra IV

  FA/MUSI 4054H Jazz Strings

  FA/MUSI 4054E Jazz Woodwind

  FA/MUSI 4054D Jazz Guitar

  FA/MUSI 4054C Jazz Percussion

  FA/MUSI 4054G Jazz Vocal

  FA/MUSI 4054C Jazz Percussion

  FA/MUSI 4054B Jazz Bass

  FA/MUSI 4054H Jazz Strings

  FA/MUSI 4054B Jazz Bass

  FA/MUSI 4054F Jazz Brass

  FA/MUSI 4054D Jazz Guitar

  FA/MUSI 4054E Jazz Woodwind

  FA/MUSI 4054G Jazz Vocal

  FA/MUSI 4054F Jazz Brass

  FA/MUSI 4054A Jazz Piano

  FA/MUSI 4054A Jazz Piano

  FA/MUSI 4058 York Rhythm and Blues Ensemble

  FA/MUSI 4059 Jazz Theory and Musicianship IV: Jazz Theory in Practice

  FA/MUSI 4061 Jazz Repertoire Ensemble/saxophone

  FA/MUSI 4070 Electro-Acoustic Orchestra

  FA/MUSI 4071 Interactive Sonic Arts

  FA/MUSI 4080 Classical Piano Performance

  FA/MUSI 4080 Classical Piano Performance

  FA/MUSI 4083 Harpsichord

  FA/MUSI 4083 Harpsichord

  FA/MUSI 4084 Organ: Classical performance private instruction on organ

  FA/MUSI 4084 Organ: Classical performance private instruction on organ

  FA/MUSI 4093 Balkan Music Ensemble

  FA/MUSI 4094 Escola de Samba

  FA/MUSI 4099Y World Music: Individual Instruction - Yangqin and Zheng

  FA/MUSI 4099X World Music: Individual Instruction - Xiao

  FA/MUSI 4099P World Music: Individual Instruction - Pipa

  FA/MUSI 4099T World Music: Individual Instruction - Tabla

  FA/MUSI 4099U World Music: Individual Instruction: Traditional Harp

  FA/MUSI 4099E World Music: Individual Instruction - Early Music Wind Instruments

  FA/MUSI 4099B World Music: Individual Instruction - Balkan Vocal Music

  FA/MUSI 4099H World Music: Individual Instruction - Hand Percussion: Various Traditions

  FA/MUSI 4099G World Music: Individual Instruction - Folk Guitar

  FA/MUSI 4099S World Music: Individual Instruction - Persian Radif

  FA/MUSI 4099J World Music: Individual Instruction - Jembe

  FA/MUSI 4099N Ghanaian Percussion

  FA/MUSI 4099F World Music: Individual Instruction - Flamenco Guitar

  FA/MUSI 4099L World Music: Individual Instruction - Baglama

  FA/MUSI 4099V World Music: Individual Instruction - Village Folk Vocal Styles

  FA/MUSI 4099G World Music: Individual Instruction - Folk Guitar

  FA/MUSI 4099P World Music: Individual Instruction - Pipa

  FA/MUSI 4099H World Music: Individual Instruction - Hand Percussion: Various Traditions

  FA/MUSI 4099L World Music: Individual Instruction - Baglama

  FA/MUSI 4099Y World Music: Individual Instruction - Yangqin and Zheng

  FA/MUSI 4099E World Music: Individual Instruction - Early Music Wind Instruments

  FA/MUSI 4099N Ghanaian Percussion

  FA/MUSI 4099W World Music: Individual Instruction - World Rhythms for Drumkit

  FA/MUSI 4099W World Music: Individual Instruction - World Rhythms for Drumkit

  FA/MUSI 4099B World Music: Individual Instruction - Balkan Vocal Music

  FA/MUSI 4099X World Music: Individual Instruction - Xiao

  FA/MUSI 4099U World Music: Individual Instruction: Traditional Harp

  FA/MUSI 4099A World Music: Individual Instruction - Ashkenazi and Sephardic Vocal Music

  FA/MUSI 4099C World Music: Individual Instruction - Folk Fiddle

  FA/MUSI 4099D World Music: Individual Instruction - Dizi

  FA/MUSI 4099V World Music: Individual Instruction - Village Folk Vocal Styles

  FA/MUSI 4099F World Music: Individual Instruction - Flamenco Guitar

  FA/MUSI 4099T World Music: Individual Instruction - Tabla

  FA/MUSI 4099S World Music: Individual Instruction - Persian Radif

  FA/MUSI 4099J World Music: Individual Instruction - Jembe

  FA/MUSI 4099A World Music: Individual Instruction - Ashkenazi and Sephardic Vocal Music

  FA/MUSI 4099C World Music: Individual Instruction - Folk Fiddle

  FA/MUSI 4099D World Music: Individual Instruction - Dizi

  FA/MUSI 4140 Composing for Film

  FA/MUSI 4323 Music of the Middle East

  FA/MUSI 4340 J.S. Bach

  FA/MUSI 4399 Special Topics in the Graduate Program

  FA/MUSI 4556 Gospel Choir

  FA/MUSI 4557 Gospel Ensemble: Instrumental

  FA/MUSI 4580 Field Placement for Music

  FA/MUSI 4590C Honours Collaborative Studio Project in Music

  FA/MUSI 4590A Honours Project in Music Studies

  FA/MUSI 4590B Honours Studio Project in Music

  GS/MUSI 5005A Seminar in Composition I

  GS/MUSI 5005B Seminar in Composition II

  GS/MUSI 5006B Private Lessons in Composition II

  GS/MUSI 5006A Private Lessons in Composition I

  GS/MUSI 5008 Jazz Theory: Speculative Concepts and Practical Methods

  GS/MUSI 5010 Problems & Methods Of Musical Research

  GS/MUSI 5015 Composing and Recording for Motion Media: From Creation and Recording to Delivery

  GS/MUSI 5110 Early 20th C:Form,Struct.,Significance

  GS/MUSI 5140 Commercial Music of the Americas

  GS/MUSI 5160 Music of Eastern Europe & Middle East

  GS/MUSI 5201 J.S. Bach: Life, Art, and Legacy

  GS/MUSI 5410 Performance Option

  GS/MUSI 5500 Performance Studio

  GS/MUSI 5550 Recital

  GS/MUSI 5551 Ensemble

  GS/MUSI 6010 Theoretical Perspectives in Ethnomusicology & Musicology

  GS/MUSI 6320 Popular Music Studies

  GS/MUSI 6510 Directed Reading

  GS/MUSI 6520 Directed Reading

  GS/MUSI 6530 Directed Reading








  我们将在2023年2月/ 3月举行在线面试。你有以下选择:1)一个在线选项,你可以记录你的表现(两个对比的部分),并在申请中包含录音链接(你将被联系进行后续采访);或者2)虚拟选项,你可以在这里进行表演和面试。



  面试时间为15 - 20分钟,主要包括:






  雅思总分≥6.5分 或 iBT≥83分;




































加拿大约克大学音乐本科专业 加拿大约克大学 加拿大留学热门专业