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安省理工大学核工程硕士专业 带你一起进入到“核”的世界!


  Master's in Nuclear Engineering





  NUCL 5001G - MASc Thesis

  NUCL 5003G - Seminar

  NUCL 5004G - Directed Studies

  NUCL 5005G - Special Topics

  NUCL 5006G - Industrial Research Project

  NUCL 5009G - Graduate Research Project

  NUCL 5010G - Project Management for Nuclear Engineers

  NUCL 5040G - Monte Carlo Methods

  NUCL 5050G - Applied Risk Analysis

  NUCL 5060G - Nuclear Concepts for Engineers and Scientists

  NUCL 5070G - Environmental Modelling

  NUCL 5090G - Occupational Health and Safety

  NUCL 5100G - Nuclear Plant Systems and Operation

  NUCL 5111G - CANDU Safety Systems

  NUCL 5120G - Design of Nuclear Plant Systems

  NUCL 5130G - Nuclear Design Processes and Techniques

  NUCL 5140G - CANDU Steam Supply Systems

  NUCL 5150G - CANDU and PWR Steam Utilization Systems

  NUCL 5160G - CANDU Electric and Auxiliary Systems

  NUCL 5180G - CANDU Operational Safety and Abnormal Events

  NUCL 5220G - Fuel Management in Nuclear Reactors

  NUCL 5225G - Nuclear Fuel Engineering

  NUCL 5250G - Power Plant Thermodynamics

  NUCL 5260G - Reactor Containment Systems

  NUCL 5275G - Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)

  NUCL 5280G - Advanced Reactor Control

  NUCL 5285G - Advanced Process Control Systems

  NUCL 5300G - Advanced Topics in Radioactive Waste Management

  NUCL 5350G - Regulatory Affairs and Licensing Concepts

  NUCL 5400G - Advanced Radiation Science

  NUCL 5420G - Aerosol Mechanics

  NUCL 5430G - Advanced Dosimetry

  NUCL 5440G - Advanced Radiation Biophysics and Microdosimetry

  NUCL 5470G - Nuclear Forensic Analysis

  NUCL 5500G - Introduction to Nuclear Security

  NUCL 5510G - Nuclear Safety Design and Regulation

  NUCL 6000G - PhD Candidacy Exam

  NUCL 6001G - PhD Thesis

  NUCL 6002G - Workshop and Professional Development

  NUCL 6003G - Doctoral Seminar

  NUCL 6004G - Directed Studies for Doctoral Candidates

  NUCL 6005G - Special Topics for Doctoral Candidates

  NUCL 6140G - Life Cycle Assessment in Nuclear Applications


  ENGR 5010G - Advanced Optimization

  ENGR 5122G - Computational Fluid Dynamics

  ENGR 5740G - User Interface Design

  ENGR 5910G - Embedded Real-Time Control Systems

  ENGR 5930G - Adaptive Control

  ENGR 5940G - Intelligent Control Systems

  ENGR 5960G - Power System Operations, Analysis and Planning


  MCSC 6010G - Mathematical Modelling

  MCSC 6030G - High-Performance Computing

  MCSC 6120G - Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations

  MCSC 6125G - Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations


  NUCL 4510U - Nuclear Plant Chemistry

  NUCL 4610U - Corrosion for Engineers

  NUCL 4625U - Radioactive Waste Management Design

  NUCL 4640U - Nuclear Plant Operations

  ESNS 4660U - Risk Analysis Methods

  NUCL 4670U - Shielding Design

  NUCL 4680U - Nuclear Materials

  NUCL 4700U - Nuclear Plant Design and Simulation

  NUCL 4730U - Reactor Control

  NUCL 4780U - Nuclear Reactor Design

  NUCL 4810U - Nuclear Fuel Cycles

  NUCL 4880U - Principles of Fusion Energy


  RADI 4220U - Radiation Biophysics and Dosimetry

  RADI 4430U - Industrial Applications of Radiation Techniques

  RADI 4440U - Radioisotopes and Radiation Machines

  RADI 4550U - Radiation Detection and Measurement



  总体学术成绩最低达到B(平均绩点:3.0,按4.3标准,即73% - 76%),在过去两年(四个学期)的全日制本科课程中,平均成绩最低达到B或同等水平。应用科学硕士应用科学学士, MASc)申请者优先考虑B+。






  托福(基于互联网):83 - 87,听- 20,阅读- 20,说话- 19,写作- 20



安省理工大学核工程硕士专业 安省理工大学 加拿大留学热门专业