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What is the curriculum at Paysant High School? Comprehensive summary of application materials

  Paterson Middle School is located in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia. The transportation is very convenient. The school was established in 2003. It is a private college registered and accredited by the Ministry of Education of British Columbia, Canada. It provides secondary schools for 8-12 grades. And the courses of 18-19 years old adult high school have outstanding education standards, then the editor will take everyone to understand what the curriculum of the next Passant Middle School is? The relevant introduction of the application materials is comprehensively summarized for you to carry out refer to.

  Patterson Middle School Curriculum Setting


  English, English prerequisites, society, science, mathematics, physical education, fine arts

  Grade 9

  English, English prerequisites, society, science, mathematics, physical education, fine arts

  Grade 10

  English, English and courses, society, science, mathematics, sports, fine arts, information technology, applied technology, career and personal planning

  Grade 11

  English, writing, English communication, chemistry, society, physics, mathematics, basic arts, accounting, media art, marketing, sports, computer application technology

  Grade 12

  English, biology, English communication, chemistry, history, physics, mathematics, basic arts, calculus, media art, economics, physical education, accounting, marketing, graduation practice, computer application technology

  Patterson Middle School application materials

  1. Application fee

  $200 Canadian dollars. This fee is non-refundable.

  2. Copy of passport

  If you are a permanent resident of Canada, please provide a Canadian permanent resident card.

  For Canadian citizens and permanent residents, please provide a copy of the parents’ Canadian passport or Canadian permanent resident card and the BC resident form to enjoy local

  Student tuition.

  3. Completed application form

  Students under the age of 19 must sign by their parents or guardians in addition to themselves.

  4. Academic transcripts of the past 2-3 years

  The school letterhead must be used, signed by the Academic Affairs Office or the head teacher, and stamped with the school official seal.

  Transcripts from Mainland China and Taiwan, please provide Chinese/English version.

  5. Notarized copy of guardian declaration

  Local students and international students who do not live with their parents under the age of 19, please provide.

  The school can assist in arranging guardians and provide guardian notarization.

  6. One recent photo

  The size of the passport photo.

  7. Medical insurance

  Copy of BC MSP medical card.

  For international students without MSP, the school will assist in arranging private medical insurance for the first 3 months and apply for MSP in BC at the same time.

  8. Other supporting documents

  Various award certificates, certificates of social activities, volunteer activities, sports, art, music, etc., are conducive to applying for scholarships.

  Non-native English students, if they do not have an official course transcript from an English-speaking country, they need to take the school’s English entrance test.

  Patterson Middle School Features

  Patterson Middle School integrates local and international students in a vibrant and cultural learning environment like Vancouver, and enables students to fully enjoy Canada’s highest quality education system.

  Flexible and diversified course settings also enable students to choose courses purposefully according to their personal hobbies and established long-term goals.

  The above is a detailed introduction to the curriculum of Passant Middle School. Nowadays, the social economy has improved a level compared with the last century, and many families have the ability to send their children to study abroad, so studying abroad is also a very common thing. , I believe that many students have many questions about the country, tuition, majors, colleges, application materials, etc. applying for studying abroad. No more doubts, IDP studying abroad has the most professional people who will answer you, welcome all friends Enthusiastic consultation!

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