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What courses does Notre Dame College of Yasor, Canada offer? Institutional characteristics

  Yasol Notre Dame College is located in Wilcox, Saskatchewan. The school was established in 1920. It has a profound cultural background and a very strong faculty, with a high rate of enrollment. Now international students applying for this college The number of people has been increasing, so the editor will take everyone to learn about the courses offered by Notre Dame College in Yasor, Canada? The introduction of the characteristics of the colleges and universities, I hope to help all students.

  Course at Notre Dame College, Yasor, Canada

  High school courses for grades 9-12: English, science, history, mathematics, psychology, law, calculus, economics, chemistry, biology, physics, social science, Christian ethics, physical education, French, visual arts, computer science, Music etc.

  Professional physical education courses: ice hockey, women's basketball

  EAL language course

  AP courses: The school provides a large number of diversified AP courses for students to choose from. In the AP exams over the years, the average score of students is above 85 points, which is far ahead of other institutions.

  Introduction to Notre Dame College, Yasor, Canada

  Asol Notre Dame College is located in Wilcox, Saskatchewan, and was founded in 1920 by the Charity of St. Louis as a nun on the Prairie Notre Dame. In 1927, the sisters joined Pere Asol Murray, who was inspired by the words of St. Augustine, "For him who does what lies in him, God will not deny his grace." These words became a small schoolhouse offering In the Great Depression, students who wanted to change their lives explained the mission of education, regardless of whether they were able to pay tuition. It has become Canada's largest independent cooperative education residence from the gentle beginning of high school with entrenched Catholic traditional programs.

  Characteristics of Notre Dame College, Yasor, Canada

  ☆University admission rate 95%

  ☆Schools offer to start in January

  ☆Each year, graduates receive university admission scholarships of more than 1 million Canadian dollars

  ☆The school’s ice hockey program is very well-known, winning 48 inter-provincial championships and 4 national championships in total

  ☆7 outstanding graduates won the Canadian Governor’s Meritorious Award

  ☆The school covers an area of 55 acres and is equipped with a large number of learning and living facilities

  ☆To provide more than 3,500 hours of community service every year

  Extracurricular activities at Notre Dame College, Yasor, Canada

  Men’s high school sports: senior football, national long distance running, senior basketball, soccer, senior rugby, junior rugby, softball, badminton, lacrosse, wrestling, golf, racing

  Women’s high school sports: long-distance running around the country, senior volleyball, junior volleyball, senior football, senior basketball, junior basketball, badminton, junior rugby, wrestling, racing, softball, golf

  Club: Calendar club, multimedia club, student representative committee, outdoor education, music club, art club, drama club

  The above is a detailed introduction of the courses offered by the Notre Dame College of Yasol, Canada. Nowadays, the social economy has improved a level compared with the last century, and many families have the ability to send their children to study abroad, so studying abroad is also a very common thing. Yes, I believe that many students have many questions about the country, tuition, majors, institutions, application materials and other aspects of applying for studying abroad. There is no need to doubt. IDP has the most professional people who will answer for you. Welcome everyone Enthusiastic consultation from partners!

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