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加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学机电一体化设计硕士专业 服务智能制造 培养技术达人!


  Master of Engineering in Mechatronics Design




  MECH 540A – Emerging Topics in Mechatronics, Manufacturing, Controls, & Automation - SFTWR DSGN MECH

  MECH 540B – Emerging Topics in Mechatronics, Manufacturing, Controls, & Automation - PRNCPLS MECHTRCS

  MECH 509 – Controls

  MECH 526 – Mechatronic System Design Project I (Integrated Mechanical Design/analysis)

  MECH 527 – Mechatronic System Design Project II (Integrated Electronics, control, software design)



  MECH 420 – Sensors and actuators

  MECH 421 – Mechatronics System Instrumentation

  MECH 514 – Linear FEA in Solids and Heat Transfer

  MECH 520 – Sensors and actuators

  MECH 529 – Modeling of Dynamic Systems

  MECH 540C – Emerging Topics in Mechatronics, Manufacturing, Controls, and Automation - ADV MECHATRONICS

  MECH 540E – Emerging Topics in Mechatronics, Manufacturing, Controls, and Automation – Behavior in Manufacturing Processes

  MECH 541 – Computer Control of Multi-Axis Machines

  MECH 563 – Robotics: Kinematics, Dynamics and Control

  MECH 544 – Machine Tool Structures and Vibrations

  MECH 542 – CAD/CAM Principles and Practice


  ELEC 401 - Analog CMOS Integrated Circuit Design

  ELEC 402 - Introduction to VLSI Systems

  ELEC 403 - Advanced Digital VLSI Systems

  ELEC 404 - RF Integrated Circuits

  ELEC 412 Optical Waveguides and Photonics

  ELEC 421 - Digital Signal and Image Processing

  ELEC 462 - Sensors and Actuators in Microsystems

  ELEC 463 - Micro/Nanofabrication and Instrumentation Laboratory

  ELEC 465 - Microsystems Design

  ELEC 471 - Medical Imaging

  ELEC 473 - Biological Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems

  ELEC 474 - Biophotonics

  CPEN 411 - Computer Architecture

  CPEN 412 - Microcomputer Systems Design

  CPEN 421 - Software Project Management

  CPEN 422 - Software Testing and Analysis

  CPEN 431 - Design of Distributed Software Applications

  CPEN 432 - Real-time System Design

  CPEN 441 - Human Computer Interfaces in Engineering Design

  EECE 514 - Software Verification and Testing

  EECE 532 - Biomedical Microdevices

  EECE 543 - Software Project Management

  EECE 544 - Medical Imaging

  EECE 549 - Dynamic Modeling of Electric Machines and Controls

  EECE 574 - Self-Tuning Control


  MANU 465 - AI and Machine Learning Applications in Manufacturing


  CPSC 406 – Computational Optimization

  CPSC 410 - Advanced Software Engineering

  CPSC 415 - Advanced Operating Systems

  CPSC 416 – Distributed Systems

  CPSC 420 – Advanced Algorithms Design and Analysis

  CPSC 422 - Intelligent Systems

  CPSC 424 - Geometric Modeling

  CPSC 425 - Computer Vision

  CPSC 426 - Computer Animation

  CPSC 444 - Advanced Methods for Human Computer Interaction

  CPSC 504 - Data Management

  CPSC 505 - Image Understanding I: Image Analysis

  CPSC 507 - Software Engineering

  CPSC 508 - Operating Systems

  CPSC 509 - Programming Language Principles

  CPSC 521 - Parallel Algorithms and Architectures

  CPSC 522 - Artificial Intelligence II

  CPSC 524 - Computer Graphics: Modeling

  CPSC 526 - Computer Animation

  CPSC 530P - Topics in Information Processing - SENSORIMOTOR CMP

  CPSC 530K - Topics in Information Processing - DIGITAL LEARNING

  CPSC 531H - Topics in Theory of Computation - MACH LRN THEORY

  CPSC 532C - Topics in Artificial Intelligence - USER-CENTERED AI

  CPSC 532L - Topics in Artificial Intelligence - VISION&LANGUAGE

  CPSC 532R - Topics in Artificial Intelligence - GRAPHICAL MODELS

  CPSC 532S - Topics in Artificial Intelligence - VISION&LANGUAGE

  CPSC 535P - Topics in Simulation and Optimization - DIGITAL HUMANS

  CPSC 539F - Topics in Programming Languages - SD PRODUCTIVITY

  CPSC 540 - Machine Learning

  CPSC 543 - Physical User Interface Design and Evaluation

  CPSC 544 - Human Computer Interaction

  CPSC 554C - Topics in Human-Computer Interaction - ADAPTIVE INTERF

  CPSC 547 - Information Visualization

  CPSC 554K - Topics in Human-Computer Interaction - DFP Project

  CPSC 554Y - Topics in Human-Computer Interaction - AR/VR INTERCTN




  CAD $168.25申请费






加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学机电一体化设计硕士专业 英属哥伦比亚大学 加拿大留学热门专业