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加拿大留学移民政策解读之安排就业认可(Arranged Employ

  很多学生之所以会选择留学加拿大,是因为加拿大有着宽松想留学移民政策,但是留学后如何才能顺利移民呢?下面小编就给大家介绍一下加拿大留学移民政策中的安排就业认可。我们常说的加拿大工作许可,一般是指Work Permit,临时工作许可,与其相对加拿大还有一种“安排就业认可”(Arranged Employment),两者的关系是这样的,前者是临时的,后者是永久的。
  安排就业认可相当于加拿大铁饭碗了,有了这个安排就业人认可,移民起来轻松很多。对国际生来说,一般毕业后就可以得到三年的临时工作许可,然后在0AB类工作一年以上,才有机会申请安排就业认可。移民局的原文是,have at least one year of work experience in a professional, managerial, or technical occupation under Canada's National Occupational Classification system.
  下面是Arranged Employment 简介,移民局原文:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/pub/ae-er-eng.pdf
Employers who would like to offer a permanent job to a foreign national wanting to immigrate to Canada can facilitate this with a qualifying job offer under the Federal
Skilled Worker Program (FSWP). The foreign national can be either a temporary foreign worker (TFW) already in Canada, or someone abroad. The foreign national must meet other requirements of the FSWP and have at least one year of work experience in a professional, managerial, or technical occupation under Canada's National Occupational
Classification system.
Advantages to Employers
This program is popular with employers as a means of attracting global talent on a permanent basis. CIC places priority on new FSW applications with qualifying job offers.
As of September 30, 2011, 80% of these cases were finalized within six months.
An additional advantage for employers is they are not restricted to hiring people for an occupation which CIC has identified as being in demand.
How It Works
If recruiting from overseas: Employers must submit an application to Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) for an Arranged Employment Opinion (AEO).
HRSDC must assess the genuineness of employment offers made by employers interested in hiring a foreign skilled worker. The employment must be permanent, non-seasonal and full time, and wages and working conditions offered for the job must be comparable to those offered to Canadians working in the occupation. There is currently no requirement for the employer to first offer the position to a Canadian or permanent resident. HRSDC reviews the employer’s application and, if valid, provides the employer with an AEO letter of confirmation. The employer would then provide this, along with a job offer letter, to the foreign worker to include in his immigration application.

加拿大留学移民政策 安排就业认可