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How many high school in Ottawa Catholic School Board?  What are the courses offered?  

  1. Holy Trinity Catholic High School is located in Kanata, Ottawa. Students need to create, connect and use information in a variety of creative ways; that is why every OCSB school uses a “Deep Learning” approach to education.

  We focus on helping students develop global competencies: citizenship, character, communication, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity.

  Our Courses

  Business & Tech

  Contemporary Studies

  Creative Arts


  French & Modern


  French Immersion Program


  Physical Education &


  Religious Studies


  2. Immaculata High School was founded in 1928 and has a history of academic excellence and notable alumni, such as political leaders, professional athletes, reporters and musicians. High school at the Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB) is all about preparing students to thrive as their future-self and developing the leaders of the future. We offer faith-based education that develops well-rounded citizens, and our programs allow students to explore their talents and interests.

  Every OCSB school uses a “Deep Learning” approach to education. We focus on helping students develop global competencies: citizenship, character, communication, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity.

  Our Courses

  Information, Communication & Technology SHSM and Environment SHSM

  Business & Technology

  Creative Arts


  French & Modern Languages




  3. Lester B. Pearson Catholic High School is located in the Beacon Hill neighbourhood of Ottawa. High school at the Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB) is all about preparing students to thrive as their future-self and developing the leaders of the future. We offer faith-based education that develops well-rounded citizens, and our programs allow students to explore their talents and interests. Students need to create, connect and use information in a variety of creative ways; that is why every OCSB school uses a “Deep Learning”approach to education. We focus on helping students develop global competencies: citizenship, character, communication, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity.

  Our Courses

  SHSM programs in 3 different economic sectors: Justice, Community Safety & Emergency Services, Sports, and Transportation

  Business Studies

  Creative Arts

  French & Modern Languages


  Physical Education & Health


How many high school in Ottawa Catholic School Board