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What are the characteristics of Aberdeen Hall School? What are the application materials?

  Aberdeen Hall School is located in Kelowna, a garden city in British Columbia. It is a mixed day school from kindergarten to grade 12. The teaching level and scientific research strength of Aberdeen Hall have attracted the attention of many international students. Then the editor will take everyone to learn about the characteristics of Aberdeen Hall School. What are the relevant introduction inventory of the application materials.

  Aberdeen Hall School Features

  1. The college enrollment rate of graduates is 100%;

  2. The school provides excellent AP courses;

  3. The school provides SAT training;

  4. The school provides the Duke of Edinburgh Award;

  5. The school is located in the warmest province in Canada and is close to the UBC campus, making it an ideal place for international students to study;

  6. The school has a campus area of 19 acres, professional music, art classrooms and sports facilities, as well as science and computer laboratories;

  7. Classes are taught in small classes, with an average of 16 students per class;

  Aberdeen Hall School Application Materials

  ■ Completed application form

  ■ Pay the application fee of 300 Canadian dollars

  ■ Passport information page and ID photo

  ■ Transcripts and proof of enrollment in the last two years

  ■ Recommendation form filled out by the instructor or principal

  ■ Interview via Skype

  Note: The school only accepts applications from international students in grades 7-11

  Introduction to Aberdeen Hall School

  Aberdeen Hall Preparatory School is located in Kelowna, the garden city of Kelowna, British Columbia. It is a mixed day school from kindergarten to grade 12. The school has a 19-acre campus and is adjacent to the UBC campus. Three teaching buildings accommodate 550 students in kindergarten, elementary school and middle school respectively. According to data from the Fraser Institute in 2014, the school’s elementary school ranks first in BC, and the high school college acceptance rate is 100%.

  The school provides comprehensive AP courses, as well as a variety of elective courses. It has tennis, volleyball, basketball and track and field sports venues, and has independent music classrooms, art classrooms, science and computer laboratories, performance theaters and libraries. The school accepts limited but multinational international students, allowing students to adapt and survive in an English environment, and to experience Canada’s unique education and culture in depth.

  In addition, the school operates its own residential family program, carefully selects Canadian families, selects suitable alternative families through interviews and visits, and strives to allow international students to live in a purely Canadian family and experience Canada in a friendly, harmonious, interesting and rich atmosphere. Life and culture.

  Aberdeen Hall School Facilities

  The school has tennis, volleyball, basketball and track and field sports venues, and has independent music classrooms, art classrooms, science and computer laboratories, performance theaters and libraries. At the same time, it is also planned to add an art gallery and build a new gymnasium and physical education center on the side of the upper-grade teaching building.

  Aberdeen Hall School Sports Programs and Activities

  Basketball, cricket, American football, soccer, choir, cycling club, robot club, science, skating, swimming, track and field, tennis, symphony orchestra, volleyball, drama, high jump, music, etc.

  The above is a detailed introduction of the characteristics of Aberdeen Hall School. Nowadays, the social economy has improved a level compared with the last century, and many families have the ability to send their children to study abroad, so studying abroad is also a very common thing. Yes, I believe that many students have many questions about the country, tuition, majors, institutions, application materials and other aspects of applying for studying abroad. No more doubts, IDP studying abroad has the most professional people who will answer for you. Welcome everyone. Enthusiastic consultation from partners!

Aberdeen Hall School 加拿大留学文书指导 加拿大留学热点