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What are the advantages of studying in Edmonton ISD? Excellent teaching facilities

  Edmonton School Board belongs to the Alberta provincial government, which is a Canadian government educational management agency specializing in education and culture, managing the primary and secondary schools and colleges in the district, with very excellent teaching standards and a very beautiful teaching environment, so next I will take you to understand what are the advantages of studying in Edmonton School Board? I hope to help you students.

  Advantages of studying in Edmonton ISD

  Nature of Government

  The Edmonton Public School District is part of the Alberta provincial government, and all of its schools are public.


  The three-year crime rate is close to zero, and the city's strong economy and high employment rate make the city's residents well off and the crime rate is extremely low.

  Academic environment

  Edmonton is one of the most internationally recognized educational centers in the world, and there are no casinos or nightclubs in the city. Edmonton is known as the "smartest city" due to its high percentage of educated people.

  Good Language Environment

  International students are enrolled in Edmonton Public Schools in the same classes as local students; there are few Chinese students and all live with host families, making the language environment excellent.

  Three years of study can lead to university admission without TOEFL

  International students whose native language is not English can apply to university without TOEFL if they complete grades 10 to 12 at Edmonton Public High School, compared to the four years required in other provinces.

  More and better opportunities for further education

  International students who graduate from an Edmonton public high school can apply to any university or college in North America with their Grade 12 grades and diploma; students with good grades may also have the opportunity to apply for university scholarships. Students enrolled in the IB and AP programs have a better chance of going on to the world's most prestigious universities or of being exempted from some university courses, shortening their time to degree.

  Freedom of Course Choice

  With over 30 courses to choose from, students will be able to develop their interests, inspire their minds, engage in practice, stimulate their potential, develop their strengths, exercise their abilities, encourage striving, and have fun; students will experience the freedom of choice and the joy of learning.

  Edmonton School District Facilities

  The Alberta government allocates hundreds of millions of dollars to Edmonton public schools each year, and each school has sufficient funds to regularly upgrade its facilities. All secondary schools have comprehensive classroom multimedia facilities, computer centers, electronic libraries, gymnasiums and arts education facilities, and students are provided with a learning environment equipped with the world's most advanced educational facilities.

  With the financial and policy support of the Edmonton government, the Edmonton Public Schools have grown and progressed for decades, and in 2003, Professor William Ouchi of the School of Administration at the University of California, Los Angeles, a leading American education scholar, published an article after intensive research and study, stating that the Edmonton Public Schools are the best managed school districts in North America. "The fact that the district's schools were able to score 87% of first graders and 92% of twelfth graders passing or excelling on the provincial government's student final exams is truly amazing!"

  Edmonton's public schools have highly qualified staff, state-of-the-art facilities, scientifically based instructional programs and a wide variety of extracurricular activities. The schools focus on identifying and developing students' individual strengths and hobbies, as well as on discovering and nurturing their special talents, improving their overall quality, and allowing them to grow in a holistic and healthy manner. Edmonton Public Schools offers a regular curriculum from kindergarten to Grade 12, as well as the International Baccalaureate program, college preparatory courses, and special programs in art, drama, sports, music, foreign languages, and vocational training.

  Currently, the I B (International Baccalaureate) program at Edmonton Public High School is offered in only 1,000 schools in 100 countries worldwide, and students who excel in the IB program can go directly to many internationally recognized universities. Edmonton public schools are all day schools, both primary and secondary, and students are generally enrolled according to where their families live.

  The above is what is the advantages of studying in Edmonton IBE for your reference, after that there are such related issues will be organized information in detail, now to study abroad has become a big trend, students who have not yet considered or have concerns should seize the time, if you have any unclear want to understand the problem are welcome to consult, IDP will be IDP will reply actively and answer your questions.

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