• 免费咨询留学:400-697-9728
  • 服务监督热线:400-821-8688
  • 选择学位阶段
  • 高中
  • 预科
  • 语言课程
  • 职业教育
  • 研究生
  • 大学本科
  • 博士




  1. 约克大学Schulich商学院

  Master of Business Analytics

  l 专业时长:12个月

  l 开学时间:五月

  l 实习安排:有

  l 背景要求:a strong quantitative background demonstrated by course work in statistics, math, economics and research methods during undergraduate studies.

  l 雅思:7 分(单项6.5)/ 托福:100分(单项23)


  l 工作经验:recommended but not required

  2. 西安大略大学Ivey商学院

  MSc in Business Analytics

  l 专业时长:16个月

  l 开学时间:一月/九月

  l 实习安排:有

  l 背景要求:毕业不超过两年,an undergraduate degree in engineering, science, computer science, statistics, mathematics, or economics with emphasis on quantitative analysis. Strong course work in: Calculus, Linear Algebra, Statistics and Computer Science (with programming focus)

  l 雅思:7 分/ 托福:100分

  l GMAT or GRE score is not required

  3. 多伦多大学

  Master of Management Analytics

  l 专业时长:9个月

  l 开学时间:八月

  l 实习安排:有

  l 背景要求:quantitative and computational proficiency

  l 雅思:7 分(单项6.5)/ 托福:100分(写作&口语22)

  l GMAT or GRE score is NOT required

  l 工作经验:无硬性要求,欢迎职场小白,the program is designed for quantitatively strong students who have recently completed undergraduate studies.

  4. 英属哥伦比亚大学

  Master of Business Analytics

  l 专业时长:12个月

  l 开学时间:九月

  l 实习安排:有

  l 背景要求: it is strongly recommended that applicants have some exposure to university-level courses in topics like statistics, calculus, and linear algebra (or other courses in mathematics and statistics). Experience in computer programming, data analytics or mathematical modeling is also an asset.

  l 雅思:7 分 / 托福:100分

  l GMAT / GRE

  l 工作经验:no minimum work experience requirement

  5. 皇后大学

  Master of Management Analytics

  l 专业时长:12个月

  l 开学时间:一月/六月

  l 背景要求:Undergraduate degree in mathematics, business, computer science, economics, engineering or science. Including at least one mathematics or statistics course that covers hypothesis testing, linear regression, and their applications.

  l 雅思:7 分 / 托福:100分

  l GMAT

  l 工作经验:建议有相关工作经验,exceptional applicants without work experience may be considered.


  · 互联网及相关企业:产品数据分析,用户数据分析,流量数据分析

  · 金融业:市场数据分析,用户数据分析,金融风险管理

  · 市场类:市场数据分析,消费者数据分析,调研数据管理


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