• 免费咨询留学:400-697-9728
  • 服务监督热线:400-821-8688
  • 选择学位阶段
  • 高中
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  • 职业教育
  • 研究生
  • 大学本科
  • 博士

澳大利亚国立大学艺术历史与策展研究硕士专业 未来最具潜力的宝藏专业!


  Master of Art History and Curatorial Studies

  艺术史和策展研究硕士项目提供一系列领域的课程,包括澳大利亚和亚洲艺术;19 - 20世纪澳大利亚和欧洲的艺术与设计;现代主义和后现代主义;策展实践,都由我们的专业艺术历史学家教授。


  ARTH6004 City Sites: studies in art and urbanity

  ARTH6043 Modernism and Postmodernism in Art and Design: 1850-2000

  ARTH6044 Art and Its Context: Materials Techniques Display

  ARTH6050 Photography and Art

  ARTH6052 Art of the Modern Print

  ARTH6056 Art and Architecture of Southeast Asia: Tradition and Transformation

  ARTH6059 Art of Asia: Histories and Traditions

  ARTH6061 Postmodern Sublime

  ARTH6080 Art and Visual Culture of the Long Eighteenth Century, 1660-1815

  ARTH6081 Art of the European Courts, 1500-1815

  ARTH6082 Art, War and Conflict

  ARTH6093 Post-Colonial Discourses in Australian Art

  ARTH6097 Victorian and Edwardian Art: Australia and Europe 1837-1914

  ARTH6104 Asian Art In-Country

  ARTH6161 Contemporary Australian Art

  ARTH6162 Art in the Digital Age

  ARTH6164 Theories of the Object

  ARTH6167 Issues in Contemporary Craft and Design

  ARTH6168 Renaissance and Baroque Art

  ARTH6169 Introducing Asian Modernisms

  ARTH6170 Contemporary Asian Art

  ARTH6598 Australian First Nations Art and Culture

  ARTH6045 Curatorship History and Evolution

  ARTH6057 The Art and Politics of Collecting

  ARTH6004 City Sites: studies in art and urbanity

  ARTH6043 Modernism and Postmodernism in Art and Design: 1850-2000

  ARTH6044 Art and Its Context: Materials Techniques Display

  ARTH6045 Curatorship History and Evolution

  ARTH6050 Photography and Art

  ARTH6052 Art of the Modern Print

  ARTH6056 Art and Architecture of Southeast Asia: Tradition and Transformation

  ARTH6057 The Art and Politics of Collecting

  ARTH6059 Art of Asia: Histories and Traditions

  ARTH6061 Postmodern Sublime

  ARTH6080 Art and Visual Culture of the Long Eighteenth Century, 1660-1815

  ARTH6081 Art of the European Courts, 1500-1815

  ARTH6082 Art, War and Conflict

  ARTH6093 Post-Colonial Discourses in Australian Art

  ARTH6097 Victorian and Edwardian Art: Australia and Europe 1837-1914

  ARTH6104 Asian Art In-Country

  ARTH6161 Contemporary Australian Art

  ARTH6162 Art in the Digital Age

  ARTH6164 Theories of the Object

  ARTH6167 Issues in Contemporary Craft and Design

  ARTH6168 Renaissance and Baroque Art

  ARTH6169 Introducing Asian Modernisms

  ARTH6170 Contemporary Asian Art

  ARTH6598 Australian First Nations Art and Culture

  ARTH8014 Art Museum Internship: Collection Management

  ARTH8015 Art Museum Internship: Audience Development

  ARTH8016 Readings in Art History and Curatorial Studies

  HUMN8034 Collaborative Storytelling and Cultural Production

  MUSC8018 Exhibition Design and Delivery

  ARTH8012 Methodologies of Art History

  ARTH8016 Readings in Art History and Curatorial Studies

  ARTH8020 Arguing Objects

  ARTH8021 Writing About Art and Creative Practice

  ARTH8022 Points of View: Independent Creative Art and Media Practice









澳大利亚国立大学艺术历史与策展研究硕士专业 澳洲国立大学 澳洲留学热门专业