#1 The Australian National University澳大利亚国立大学
>> 专业:Juris Doctor
>> 学制:3年
>> 学分:144
>> 课程结构:
Year 1 第一学年(48 units)
LAWS6101 Foundations of Australian Law 6 units
LAWS6103 Torts 6 units
LAWS6104 Contracts 6 units
Full-time students undertake 3 compulsory courses in their first semester. There is sufficient flexibility in the program due to intensive electives to allow students to complete in 3 years
LAWS6102 Lawyers, Justice and Ethics 6 units
LAWS6105 Australian Public Law 6 units
LAWS6250 International Law 6 units
LAWS6249 Legal Theory 6 units
Year 2 第二学年(48 units)
LAWS6106 Criminal Law and Procedure 6 units
LAWS6201 Administrative Law 6 units
LAWS6203 Corporations Law 6 units
Law Elective 6 units
LAWS6202 Commonwealth Constitutional Law 6 units
Law Elective 6 units
Law Elective 6 units
Law Elective 6 units
Year 3 第三学年(48 units)
LAWS6204 Property 6 units
LAWS6244 Litigation and Dispute Management 6 units
Law Elective 6 units
Law Elective 6 units
LAWS6205 Equity and Trusts 6 units
LAWS6207 Evidence 6 units
Law Elective 6 units
Law Elective 6 units
>> 申请要求:
背景要求:本科毕业,GPA 211/985:75%,非211/985:85%
入学要求:IELTS 7,单项不低于6;
>> 专业:Master of Law
>> 学制:1年
>> 学分:48
>> 课程分支: 公法、国际法和商法
>> 课程结构:
The Master of Laws requires the completion of 48 units, which must consist of:
6 units from completion of compulsory course: LAWS8586 Law and Legal Institutions*
A minimum of 30 units from completion of 8000-level courses in the subject area LAWS Law;
A maximum of 12 units from completion of advanced legal practice courses in the subject area LEGM Legal Practice MLP
A maximum of 12 units from completion of any 8000-level postgraduate course on offer at the ANU
>> 申请要求:
标化成绩:IELTS 7.0,单项不低于6.0;
#2 The University of Sydney悉尼大学
>>专业:Juris Doctor
>> 学分:144
>> 学制:3年
>> 课程介绍:
>> 课程结构:
Year 1 第一学年
Foundations of Law
Legal Research
Civil and Criminal Procedure
Criminal Law
Torts and Contracts II
Public International Law
Public Law
Year 2 第二学年
Federal Constitutional Law
Administrative Law
The Legal Profession
Introduction to Property and Commercial Law
Real Property
Corporations Law
Year 3 第三学年
Private International Law A
7x Elective units of study (including 1 x Jurisprudence elective)
>> 申请要求:
背景要求:非法律本科毕业,GPA 211/985:70%,非211/985:80%。
入学要求:IELTS 7.5,单项不低于7.0
>> 专业:Master of Laws
>> 学分:48
>> 学制:1年
>> 课程介绍:法学硕士(LLM)可为律师提供专业的专业法律知识。您可以从悉尼法学院在任何一年提供的全部研究生课程学习单元中进行选择,这使您有机会根据自己的需要定制课程。
>> 课程分支:Business law、Taxation、International law、Environmental law、Health law
Criminology、Administrative law and policy、Jurisprudence、Labour law and relations
>> 申请要求:
背景要求:非法律本科毕业,GPA 211/985:70%,非211/985:80%。
雅思要求:IELTS 7.5,单项不低于7.0