澳洲国立大学统计学硕士专业 让你成为数字时代的弄潮儿!
Master of Statistics
STAT6016 Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis
STAT6026 Graphical Data Analysis
STAT6027 Statistical Inference
STAT6030 Generalised Linear Models
STAT6038 Regression Modelling
STAT6039 Principles of Mathematical Statistics
STAT6040 Statistical Learning
STAT7004 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
STAT6017 Big Data Statistics
STAT6018 Stochastic Modelling
STAT6029 Design of Experiments and Surveys
STAT6042 Survival Models
STAT6050 Advanced Statistical Learning
STAT6056 Advanced Mathematical Statistics
STAT6060 Advanced Stochastic Processes
STAT8002 Applied Time Series Analysis
COMP6240 Relational Databases
COMP6261 Information Theory
COMP6420 Introduction to Data Management, Analysis and Security
COMP6490 Document Analysis
COMP6670 Introduction to Machine Learning
COMP6710 Structured Programming
COMP6730 Programming for Scientists
COMP8410 Data Mining
COMP8420 Neural Networks, Deep Learning and Bio-inspired Computing
COMP8430 Data Wrangling
COMP8600 Statistical Machine Learning
COMP8880 Computational Methods for Network Science
ECON8013 Optimisation for Economics and Financial Economics
EMET8001 Applied micro-econometrics
EMET8005 Econometric Methods and Modelling
EMET8008 Advanced Econometrics II
EMET8012 Business and Economic Forecasting
EMET8014 Advanced Econometrics I
MATH6005 Discrete Mathematical Models
MATH6100 Bioinformatics and Biological Modelling
MATH6102 Environmental Modelling and Integrated Assessment
MATH6109 Probability Modelling with Applications
MATH6110 Analysis 1: Metric spaces and Applications
MATH6111 Scientific Computing
MATH6112 Matrix Computations
MATH6115 Mathematical Finance
MATH6119 Numerical Optimisation
MATH6208 Advanced Mathematical Bioinformatics
MATH6212 Analysis 2: Topology, Lebesgue Integration and Hilbert Spaces
POPH8100 Fundamentals of Epidemiology
POPH8101 Biostatistics in Population Health
POPH8313 Analysis of Public Health Data
STAT6043 Life Contingencies
STAT6046 Financial Mathematics
STAT6057 Risk Modelling 1
STAT6058 Risk Modelling 2
STAT8053 Research Essay in Statistics
STAT8500 RSFAS Masters Thesis
CBEA6070 ANU College of Business and Economics Internship Project