801-850 北京工业大学
801-850 中国地质大学
801-850 梅努斯大学
801-850 南京航空航天大学
adult & community education
higher diploma in further education
higher diploma in further education (p/t)
m.ed. in adult and community education
meD adult guidance counselling
Postgraduate diploma in adult guidance counselling
ancient classics
MA ancient, medieval and renaissance thought
MA ancient, medieval and renaissance thought
m.ed. in adult and community education
MA classical studies
MA anthropology
MA anthropology
MA anthropology & development p/t
MA anthropology (anthropology and development)
MA anthropology (linguistic anthropology)
MA anthropology (linguistic anthropology)
MA cultural differences & transnational processes(creole)
postgraduate certificate in anthropology
postgraduate certificate in anthropology and development
applied social studies
higher diploma in social policy
higher diploma in social policy (p/t)
master of social science (social work)
MA anthropology (anthropology and development)
msocsc (community and youth work)
msocsc (community and youth work)
MA cultural differences & transnational processes(creole)
MSc immunology & global health
MSc business management
MSc business management
MSc it - enabled innovation
MSc it - enabled innovation
MSc marketing
MSc marketing
MSc strategic marketing
MSc strategic marketing
MSc strategy & innovation
MSc strategy & innovation
chinese studies
MA applied linguistics & intercultural studies
MA chinese studies
postgraduate diploma in chinese studies
computer science
erasmus mundus joint MSc in advanced systems dependability
higher diploma in information technology
higher diploma in science (computer science)
higher diploma in science(software development) f/t
MSc computer science (applied)
MSc computer science (software engineering) (one year programme)
MSc geocomputation
design innovation
design innovation
MSc design innovation
economics, finance & accounting
higher diploma in arts (finance)
higher diploma in economic science
higher diploma in professional accounting
MA accounting
MA accounting
MSc economic & financial risk analysis
MSc economic & financial risk analysis
MSc economics
MSc economics
MSc finance
MSc finance
m.ed. school guidance counselling
master of education
master of education
pg dip in educational leadership and management (future leaders programme)
postgraduate diploma in school guidance counselling
professional master of education (secondary)
electronic engineering
3u master of engineering in digital and medical technologies
meng electronic engineering (embedded and wireless systems)
higher diploma in english
higher diploma in english
MA english: literatures of engagement
MA english: literatures of engagement p/t
MA applied linguistics & intercultural studiesV
MA french
MA modern languages, literature and culture: narratives of conflict - french
MA modern languages, literature and culture: narratives of conflict - french
postgraduate diploma in french
froebel education
master of education (research in practice) (part time)
master of education research in practice (part time)
postgraduate diploma in special educational needs
professional master of education (primary)
MA geography
MA geography
MA geography: spatial justice
MA geography: spatial justice
MSc climate change
MSc geocomputation
MSc geograp.information systems & remote sensing
postgraduate certificate in geography
postgraduate diploma in geography
higher certificate in german literature
MA applied linguistics & intercultural studies
MA applied linguistics & intercultural studies
MA german
MA german p/t
MA modern languages, literature and culture: narratives of conflict - german
MA modern languages, literature and culture: narratives of conflict - german
postgraduate diploma in arts (german)
postgraduate diploma in german for teaching at post-primary level
MA european history
MA historical archives
MA irish history
MA irish history
MA military history & strategic studies p/t
MA military history and strategic studies
postgraduate diploma in historical archives
postgraduate diploma in history (1 year full time)
MSc immunology & global health
international development
MA international development
MA international development
MA international peace building, security and development practice
MA international peace building, security and development practice
postgraduate diploma in international development
postgraduate diploma in international development
kennedy institute
MA international peace building, security and development practice
MA international peace building, security and development practice
MA mediation and conflict intervention
MA mediation and conflict intervention
p/g diploma in international peacebuilding, security and development practice (full time)
postgraduate certificate in conflict resolution in education
postgraduate certificate in mediation and conflict intervention
postgraduate certificate in mediation and conflict intervention (peace process practices)
postgraduate certificate in mediation and conflict intervention(family support agency)
postgraduate certificate in organisational and workplace mediation
higher diploma in legal studies
llm (global legal studies)
llm (global legal studies)
llm (international business law)
llm (international business law)
llm (international business law)
llm (international justice)
llm (international justice)
MA comparative criminology and criminal justice
MA comparative criminology and criminal justice
postgraduate diploma in international business law
postgraduate diploma in comparative criminology and criminal justice
postgraduate diploma in comparative criminology and criminal justice
postgraduate diploma in global legal studies
postgraduate diploma in global legal studies
postgraduate diploma in international business law
postgraduate diploma in international justice and law
postgraduate diploma in international justice and law
mathematics & statistics
higher diploma in data analytics
higher diploma in mathematical studies
higher diploma in mathematical studies
higher diploma in mathematics
higher diploma in mathematics
higher diploma in statistics
MA mathematics
MA mathematics p/t
MSc data science and analytics
MSc mathematics
media studies
MA critical and creative media
MA critical and creative media
medieval irish
MA early irish studies
MA creative music technologies
MA creative music technologies
MA irish traditional music
MA irish traditional music p/t
MA music composition
MA music composition p/t
MA musicology
MA musicology
MA performance & musicology
MA performance & musicology p/t
national centre for geocomputation
MSc geocomputation
MA nua ghaeilge
MA nua ghaeilge
higher diploma in philosophy
MA ancient, medieval and renaissance thought
MA ancient, medieval and renaissance thought
MA philosophy
MA philosophy
MA philosophy of religion
MA philosophy of religion
MA philosophy, politics and economics
MA philosophy, politics and economics
postgraduate diploma in philosophy
MSc psychology
MA sociology (societies in transition)
pg dip in sociology (societies in transition)
pg dip in sociology (societies in transition)
higher certificate in spanish and latin american literature
MA applied linguistics & intercultural studies
MA modern languages, literature and culture: narratives of conflict - spanish
MA modern languages, literature and culture: narratives of conflict - spanish
MA spanish & latin american studies
postgraduate diploma in spanish
theoretical physics
higher diploma in mathematical science
higher diploma in mathematical science
MSc mathematical science
MSc mathematical science p/t